Is it normal that i'm afraid i'm not liked here????
I'm afraifd i not wanted or liked on this website is it nornal?
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I'm afraifd i not wanted or liked on this website is it nornal?
Seagulls. But I really should get rid of them. Filthy scavengers they are......oh but the music!
You can't let that kind of stuff bother you. People often make it clear that they don't like me. Not sure what they gain by saying it, because I don't really pay any attention as I'm not here for popularity. I'm here because I like it here.
One tip I'd give you; if you are here primarily for popularity, people have a habit of sniffing it out and that kind of thing does make people unpopular.
Just be yourself, be considerate, have a few conversations with people, ask a few questions, and just relax. The people I like most here are the people who don't take things too seriously, enjoy each other, try to contribute, and try to be open rather than hostile.
Everybody loves me...Ok, I lied.
Anyway, getting the IIN community to like you is pretty pointless. This whole agree with me or you're wrong thing wares you down.
I wouldn't worry about it if someone is rude. I have been on sites where people are nothing but rude because they are anonymous, so I wouldn't take anything anybody says personally, especially if they don't have the guts to say it to your face. And there are really cool people on the net, too :)
Was this badly misspelled to help conceal yourself?
Regardless, you shouldn't have to. My moniker is a mask I wear and no one sees anything beyond what I give out. You should treat it much the same.
I'm sure you're being paranoid though. People (including me) have a way of multiplying 1-2 disgruntled nobodies into an army of haters.
I believe everyone hates my name at least.
It's very cocky and stupendously shameful.
I'm sure alot of people are annoyed by me on here, but the fact is...I rise above it. It really shouldn't matter. I "know" some people like me around here and that's good enough for me.
Don't obsess and worry over things that shouldn't matter. Just be yourself. Someone will like you. If not it sux for you. See? Silly shinanigans...
It's an anonymous website, I wouldn't really worry about that. There are also people here that play roles and enjoy the negative feedback.
I was really surprised that certain users here actually do like me, it was a nice surpise though :)
If people didn't want me on this site I'd stay simply to be a major annoyance. While we all DO care what people think of us and want to be liked it isn't the end of the world if someone doesn't like you. You don't have live with anyone from this site. xx
i dont think im known enough to be hated but if i was i wouldnt care, i dont know these people so i dont mind what they think of me :)
It's a silly irrational fear, that many people have. We all want to be liked. Some of us care more than others.
All people can see is your anonymous internet username. It shouldn't matter what people think of you here. Don't troll and you'll be fine.
Only a very insecure person would give a shit whether or not they are "liked" or "wanted" on this or any other website.