Is it normal that i'm afraid of aliens?

Is it normal that I'm completely afraid of aliens? I get really, really freaked out whenever I watch a movie, read anything on the internet, or hear any stories that are alien-related. Especially at night, I can't go to sleep and become absolutely terrified if I think of aliens. My boyfriend tells me "it's cute" I'm afraid of aliens, because it's a childish fear and it makes him want to protect me or something like that. My friends think I'm insane. Please tell me if this is normal at all?

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64% Normal
Based on 69 votes (44 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • Dozis

    Kind of dumb. Yeah. As usual. Well then, let's fear aliens.
    (rolling eyes)

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  • karmasAbich

    Well, i believe in intelligent life forms from other planets. and i believe there are more than we seem to realize. However, these are just crack pot theories that really interest me because they make sense. Doesn't mean they're true, just make some sense.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I'm afraid of them too, especially at night!

    I'm interested in the cosmos, but every time I look things like that up, I always get paranoid later in the day. I just was on a site looking up the universe, than I started looking up bio-engineered humans and some alien cultures. I know I'm gonna be even more paranoid tonight:/

    Why curiosity, why?!

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  • Dozis

    Did they ever give you any reason to believe you are one of their major concerns? Strange phenomenons leading you to the conclusion they are trying to establish contact?
    Well then what's there to be afraid of? The only thing we should be scared of are people who haven't got any good intentions or who's intentions are clearly unclear.
    Aliens do not exist and if they do they have way more important things to be thinking about than conquering a shitty planet like earth. And by the way, what is it you did making you think they would be wanting to hurt you?
    It is just the fantasies of a demented bunch of movies directors. Of course you get frightened, these movies and tales have been made with that purpose in mind.
    I suggest you start watching some documentaries on the subjects instead of movies. You'll find out that:
    number one:speed of light space travel is impossible. It would take an alien species from the nearby inhabited planet light years to reach earth. If there were any.
    Number two: it is likely there is no life form living a stage of technological development like our own. We became capable of building rocketa and shuttles in relatively short time, but that doesn't mean that short time, matches the short time of that other planet.
    When we look at the sky what we are seeing is light reflecting from the surface of the planets we look at using our telescopes. That light takes years or even hundred of years to reach the earth, so it is basically like, in a way,we are looking back in time, we are not seeing what's there right now. The now of that planet or solar system. It's delayed imagery. We will see what's there now later. A year from now. A hundred years from now, and so forth. According to the distance the photons or other radiations have to travel before being caught by the lenses of our telescopes. Even the sunlight doesn't just pop up here. It has to travel a long way before hitting our planet.

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    • karmasAbich

      Shitty planet? A planet full of resources and creatures needing to extract those resources to survive? Sounds like a perfect opportunity to create a mass slave drive to get what they want. Id like to see your dictionary definition of shitty... ;)

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  • Anime7

    It's called xenophobia, the fear of strangers. I think this is a very rational fear to have because it contains a degree of the unknown, which some of us would associate with fear.

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