Is it normal that i'm afraid of anything medical?

Every time I see a needle, pill, doctor, ambulance, hospital, medkit, nurse, or even an empty blood bag I freak out. Is this normal? You can explain why I could feel this way if you would like to take a guees. Please help! When I get sick this becomes a pain for me. Last time I got sick, I tried to body slam my doctor.

No, not at all. 2
Yes, but try and cure this. 8
Yes, lots of people have had this fear. 14
No, you should stop acting like a baby. 3
No, you should see a therapist. 7
It is most likely due to an experiance. 7
Yes, but it could be bad. 3
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Comments ( 8 )
  • college

    Certainly not uncommon, however body slamming your doctor (I busted out laughing when I read this) is definitely not the solution. Do you need therapy? Only if this becomes a phobia, however it seems that you're willing to go to the doctor, it just causes you a lot of anxiety when you do. Perhaps telling the physician that you're kind of the nervous type, just so he/she knows. It also takes the pressure off of you to put on a brave face.

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    • ReoKado

      I see no problem in her phobia, I personally hate medical facilities (I more over hate medication in general, not so much the doctor). Don't get me wrong I never body slammed my doc., but there was one time I was going under surgery and I wasn't completely under and he started. First feel woke me up and next thing I know I knocked him out cold. So in a patients stand point it's an effective solution.

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      • I'm a boy...

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        • ReoKado

          Sorry dude, for some reason when I think of a situation that would be cute if a girl did it I usually brand the person as a girl.

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          • WhiteCrow

            How would you think that dude body slaming somone be cute.

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            • ReoKado

              Because I've seen/known a girl who body slammed somebody (me), and the first words to come to my mind was nice bod. and do you want to go out. It was high school wrestling and we were having a play match. Being the cocky bastard I was I didn't take it seriously, but got to say she was the first girl to ever impress me in such a way. Also, that's how I found out I had a fetish for country american white girls, preferably blonde's. I was with her for a while, the only reason we broke up is because she didn't like the fact that I wasn't so happy living in Texas and was moving out of country (I wanted to see more of the world). Yeah, got to say she was the only girl to get me into the habit of wrestling hogs and feeding the chicken coop before going on a date.

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  • robbieforgotpw

    You might try with a puny guy, but You wouldn't try to slam any doctor your size or larger cuz you'd get knocked out!

    What did Chris Tucker say? "You got knocked the puck out!"

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    • ReoKado

      Size doesn't really apply to this as much as weight. And either way weight or size doesn't conclude who goes out in a fight. Not recommending people should fight without reasoning, especially your doctor, the only person that can legally cut you in half without having to visit the court of law.

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