Is it normal that i'm afraid of diseases and parasites?
I feel as if rare diseases will infect me, or I will become a host of a parasite. Is this normal?
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I feel as if rare diseases will infect me, or I will become a host of a parasite. Is this normal?
Might be a bit of a hypochondriac or perhaps you have some anxiety issues. This happens to lots of people, it's not the most ideal of things but it's very human. If it really worries you, there is lots of help available.
Its normal to have fears...and sicknesses can pose a real danger to your health. My aunt is germaphobic. All I can say is try not to let fear rule your life.
I don't mean to freak you out even more, but I think (and kind of speak from experience) that being too careful can overprotect your body and keep it from learning to defend itself. If anything, catching a cold every winter keeps your immune system in shape for fighting against viruses. I don't know in what corner of the world you live, but parasites are often caught in a certain region. And finally, if you count out hereditary conditions and stuff you are basically born with (pre-established for cancer)there isn't much danger left. Also, I never wash my hands before eating, nor refer to best before dates on foods. And I almost never get sick. But when I do, I always come out of it and still feel strong.
Yes!! I wash my hands with bleach sometimes because im so afraid of infection and sickness
Zombies meh, ghosts no problem, evil clowns whatever yo. But put me in a porter potty with someone else's germs and i'll freak the fuck out.
If you say "rare," then by definition it would be abnormal for you to get such an infection.