Is it normal that i'm afraid of ghosts?
When I was little I used to see, hear, and feel things in my room! I always felt like I was being watched. Until, one morning I felt a hand on my head..I looked up and I seen a clear figure standing beside my bed. I was in shock. I couldn't scream or even move for that matter. Even if I could my parents wouldn't have believed me. Nothing I said to them was anything of importance in their minds. I had nobody to turn to for help! Now, I'm older and I can't even go to the bathroom without having a fear of ghosts. It's awful! I hate being alone, I hate when it is dark, and I hate when I hear noices I can't automatically explain. It is so hard. I lost a number of boyfrinds and friends alike to my fear! I feel trapped. I had to even go adopt a puppy becasue I hated the feeling of being alone,if anything did happen. I read online that animals are even more sensative to spirits than we are! So, I just had to adopt..I felt like it was my last option. I'm feeling a lot better than I was, but I still get the urge to turn around ever so often!