Is it normal that i'm afraid of ghosts?

When I was little I used to see, hear, and feel things in my room! I always felt like I was being watched. Until, one morning I felt a hand on my head..I looked up and I seen a clear figure standing beside my bed. I was in shock. I couldn't scream or even move for that matter. Even if I could my parents wouldn't have believed me. Nothing I said to them was anything of importance in their minds. I had nobody to turn to for help! Now, I'm older and I can't even go to the bathroom without having a fear of ghosts. It's awful! I hate being alone, I hate when it is dark, and I hate when I hear noices I can't automatically explain. It is so hard. I lost a number of boyfrinds and friends alike to my fear! I feel trapped. I had to even go adopt a puppy becasue I hated the feeling of being alone,if anything did happen. I read online that animals are even more sensative to spirits than we are! So, I just had to adopt..I felt like it was my last option. I'm feeling a lot better than I was, but I still get the urge to turn around ever so often!

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90% Normal
Based on 29 votes (26 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • MadeYouLook

    They are real. Don't be afraid of them! They can feed off of that. Think of it like on Halloween; a little kid dressed in a costume to scare you, once you take the mask off they go away. Step up & reclaim your space. You live there now & they don't have permission to make you feel scared or threatened. Whenever you feel them watching, just tell them to back off & they'll leave.

    If you really want to get rid of them & feel even more comfortable I recommend saging the house. Just burn the sage & go in every room. By the doors, windows, closets, everywhere. This technique helps get rid of whatever shouldn't be there & takes away the negativity & uncomfortable feeling. Don't worry you are not alone. It's happened to me as well. Same situation at all, may sound weird to you but I'm comfortable with them being here just as long as they don't bother me. Sometimes I can feel them watching me & being too close. Other times they will turn on a light, open bathroom mirror cabinet, freezer, the dryer.... My place is very active. TOO active lol. But you gotta set ground rules for them.

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  • nerdyforbooks

    I had the same thing when i was yonger and even had a gost.hunting group with my friends when i was yonger we disbanded but where sucsesful in geting the local ymca a star in hountedness ive seen tons of the gost there from when the old bilding birnt down i even have.the gost of my ant joy honting me ive learned to egnor it and have goten used to it though my thing is ive never met a spearit who wonted to hert me they may have looked skary or skared the shit out of me at the time but theve never tryed to hert me infact my ant jiy well she trys to pertect me i was the closes she had to a doughter and she was like my second mom so she h as s alwase pertected me though this dose makey situation diffrent i understand youre aprehenchen id try to see what there intenchens are befor jumping to paranoya

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  • hoh3

    they are not real don't worry be happy

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  • question1522

    im SO scared of ghosts and a guy died in my dads room and my light goes on at night by the way im apart of "Ghosts Are Real" its a company that shows you that gar and my friend is apart of it as well any time u see some thing comment on my stories mu user Question1522 no cap

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  • q25t

    I'd be terrified if I saw a for-real ghost. Since there aren't such things, that's a fear I can discard safely.

    OP, an attempt at an explanation to what happened to you. You said one morning which means you just "woke up". You experienced something called a lucid dream. I'm not all that familiar with the subject, but when it happens, your body remains asleep but your mind is awake. This results in an inability to move and would explain what you saw.

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  • AprylinneBliss

    I See Ghosts, You Shouldn't Be Afraid Of Them... I Think They're Cute :3

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  • DannyKanes

    Are you even afraid of ...Space_Ghost? :(

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  • anti-hero

    No, because they are not real.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Be careful they can smell your fear.

    They see you when you're sleeping.
    they know when you're awake.
    they know if you've be bad or good.
    so be good for goodness sake.

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