Is it normal that i'm afraid of ghosts?
I'm scared of ghosts. Is it normal?
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I'm scared of ghosts. Is it normal?
What the brain doesn't know, it makes up. If it sees an object or hears a sound it will automatically bring it to life, hence the fear
I`m not sure that ghosts exist, but my imagination conjusres them up if I hear a strange sound at night. I`d most likely die of fright if I did see one.
It's pretty silly to worry about something that doesn't exist. Don't you think if there was proof that ghosts are real it would be front page news on every newspaper and broadcast on every TV world wide? How many centuries has the human race been around and still there is no definitive proof that ghosts exist?
Come on, get a grip.
Most of the time I'm pretty sure that I don't believe in ghosts but I don't want to have an encounter with one to make me believe. Totally normal fear by the way.
I used to be scared of ghosts, and then I did some research and I realized that they're not real. It's a bit old, but a good book about it is "ESP, Seers & Psychics: What The Occult Really Is" by Milbourne Christopher.
come on! their just people comming back to say goodbye or haunt you.
Im not afraid of them when i was 8 my granny visited me from heaven she was touching my face and all i said was "hi granny!"
yes its normel
for 2 year olds!
not being mean...