Is it normal that i'm afraid of looking up to the sky ?

everytime I look at the sky I feel so small. especially at night, when I look at the stars, the Milky way, I feel like the universe is too deep that it scares me a lot. is it normal I feel that way ?

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48% Normal
Based on 69 votes (33 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • WishIWasHere

    You came from a star that blew up billions of years ago. Maybe you should think of yourself as part of the universe. Not just an individual seeing the universe.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I love looking up at the night's sky! I like feeling that I'm part of something much bigger and greater than myself. Also, it reminds me of growing up in Houston, Texas and how my father used to take us all to the Planetarium at the Museum of Natural Science.

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  • I find it's comforting that I'm not completely trapped here.

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  • Johnnytherat

    the aliens are going to abduct you and experiment on your naughty bits if you look up again. You better watch out buddy.

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  • Holzman_67

    Just imagine, if we are the only forms of intelligent life in this universe that can comprehend and appreciate our existence in an infinite universe, do you really want to waste that on fear? There is so much wonder, awe and beauty. Let yourself be swept up in the grand mystery of it all, the scope, the size. Expand your mind and breathe appreciation for it all.

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  • zurt

    It is not 'average' but it is 'normal', people can create a phobia of nearly anything there are phobias out there which you would find absurd and funny, so if someone finds your phobia funny or absurd don't get unhappy, just know that they don't understand it.

    Notice that first of all you are most probably afraid of the sky at night time this is because of our animal instincts tells us that there are 'hunters' out at night so your body gets scared more easily compared to day time. This will help you understand that your brain creates the 'fear of the sky'. -by the way which is called ouranophobia, so know that many people experience it and it is given literally a name-

    I also experienced it and still experience it slightly. What i can tell you is to know that only your brain creates this fear, even if you feel uncomfortable nothing bad will happen. Also I would like to give you an advice because people's perspective change a lot according to their emotional situations, like when you get confident you will look up at the sky and see its beauty and harmony instead of feeling small, my advice is that try to get yourself 'happy' and 'confident' seek remedies from friendship, family relations and also live healthy, working out regularly which will turn your life to a better path and your perspective will hopefully change :)

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    • Fingersniffer

      Such a beautiful response

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  • green_boogers

    Think about cosmology, then look up at the sky.

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  • I am the same. It's terrifying how it reminds us how small we are and how we'll probably never live long enough to actually see what's out there.

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  • thegypsysailor

    What are you afraid of? I guess you don't go camping much?

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  • LornaMae

    I think it actually puts things in perspective and makes every little problem we have become meaningless.

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  • Energy

    It's actually a spiritual experience for me. I enjoy knowing I am part of this universe with everyone else.

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