Is it normal that i'm afraid of men who are blood related to me?
Ever since I can remember I have been afraid of men that are blood related to me. Not in a way that I would run away if I saw my dad but I'm scared that my father, uncle or any other men from our family might think of me sexually. There have never been any kind of solid proof of anything like it but I'm just really afraid that it might happen. It includes my big brother too. Sometimes I think about what would happen if he had a crush on me and it eats me inside. And just so you don't get the wrong idea; I would never ever want it to happen. It's just that every time they would say something even mildly sexual (for example when my brother and I are talking about celebrities that are good looking) I have this fear that he would say something inappropriate or behave the wrong way... I don't know what to do anymore for this really affects my life and relationship with my family.