Is it normal that i'm afraid of pigs?

Pigs. Yup. They scare me. Hogs especially.
Someone told me that since pigs and Hogs can't tilt their heads to the side they are harmless as long as you don't fall down, but if you do and they get you in their mouth, they'll eat you. Hence the thing on "the wizard of oz" where dorothy fell in the Hog pen and everyone freaked out.
Anyway. They scare me. Is it normal?

Voting Results
52% Normal
Based on 64 votes (33 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • Well look up "Robert Pickton" you'll shit yourself lol.

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  • suckonthis9

    Species in the Family: Suidae. These are all native to various parts of Eurasia and Africa, depending on the specie (check range maps). Many are quite dangerous and a healthy distance should be kept from them. The domestic pig breeds are all derived from the Wild Boar (Sus scrofa), and usually become a problem in areas where they are introduced. They should not be kept as pets outside of their natural range. They should be kept for meat production (or in zoos) only in tightly controlled situations. We should make a concerted effort to extirpate feral populations where they have been introduced (NRA: are you listening?).

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  • Oasis808

    teacup pigs ;-)

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  • Avant-Garde

    I'm afraid of goats, but I understand your fear.

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  • The_foz

    Hogs can give you a pretty bed going over (wild or domestic), especially if protecting their young. Most domestic pigs have their needle teeth clipped off at birth which makes them closer to harmless, but they still have teeth that are like razors when they get older.
    And as far as them being harmless unless you're lying down, that's crap.
    Aside from that, unless you're in a situation where you spend a lot of time around hogs, you should be fine.

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  • Shackleford96

    Baby pigs are so cute though. I don't think your fear is rational, but many fears aren't though.

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