Is it normal that i'm afraid of silence?

When I'm trying to sleep in my room at night, I absolutely have to have the fan on. Even when it's not that hot, I still can't sleep without it. When it's silent, I start seeing things move in the shadows, and can hear even the slightest sounds. My heart starts racing, I start to sweat, and I have to turn on the lamp beside my bed. If the fan is off, I have to get up and turn it on, and even then I occasionally have to sleep with the lamp on. Why does silence terrify me so much? Does anyone else experience this?

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56% Normal
Based on 80 votes (45 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • Abend_zersetzen_mich

    I hate being able to hear my heartbeat. If I hear it, then I feel the insides of my heart working and I can feel the blood going through blood vessels. I think I have extra nerves inside my heart and whenever I hear my heartbeat or get reminded of heart beating I notice it. So I hate silence too.

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  • bemah

    That sounds strange, but then it's never silent for me, I've always got music playing or the tv on when I'm not out, even when I'm asleep. If it's that bad, maybe you've got some sort of association with silence and something traumatic. I'm not gonna suggest that you see a specialist (counselor etc..) because i know from experience that they're useless. I'd just try and find ways to deal with the stress...

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  • Pika-girl

    Yeah! I'm quiet whenever I talk, but scared of silence when alone.

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  • Karmasbitch

    I have to sleep with the television and fan on or.. Or.. I don't even know? I have slept with it on for so long idk what it would be like without it. Wow.. Just had a realization there. I need to see what it's like without them on!

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  • RoseIsabella

    Too much silence creeps me out. After a while alone with my thoughts I get anxious from the monkey brain. I listen to cds of music or nature sounds when I go to sleep at night but if I couldn't do that I'd want to keep crickets in my room. I hate living in the desert because there aren't natural sounds at night. Down South it's as if a whole symphony of critters serenade me to sleep at night.

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  • BloodRedAndTrue

    i feel the same way man

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  • handsignals

    silence is golden

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  • croberts98

    No, I've lived in tiny towns since i was born :/

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  • Shackleford96

    Have you lived with noise all of your life? Possibly in the city or something?

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