Is it normal that i'm afraid of stabbing myself?

I'm terrified of knives. Every time i hold one i think i'm gonna go crazy and stab my self. It freaks me out so bad it's scary to cut my own food.

Voting Results
62% Normal
Based on 74 votes (46 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • halfemptyhalffull

    your parents probably brainwashed you....out of love and concern, of coarse.
    The more you use them, the more in control of them you'll feel

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  • purpleflower

    I can relate! Anytime I see a knife on a flat surface, I have to turn it away from me and subtly back away

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  • pyt_1185

    Yea I always think like, what if I stabbed myself in the stomach, or what if I jumped into the water, or what if I jumped off this building!!! Idk what it is, I think the devil just wants us to kill ourselves and he tries to get us to do stupid stuff.

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  • texas57

    It's just a phobia some people have, I'm extremely comfortable around weapons of any kind. But my moms similar to you, id say it's normal.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I often worry about this which is why I try not to use sharp knives. Try using dull knives and see if your fear gets better.

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  • Anime7

    I know what you mean. It's like when you're in a really high place and you feel like jumping off it. I think you're normal. However, if it really trouble you that much, then buy knives that come with a cover. That way whenever you are cutting your vegetables you can immediately cover the blade and put the thought out of your mind.

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  • Faceless

    Knives are great. Their like a poor mans gun. Or a Canadians gun, haha.

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  • DannyKanes

    We've had this post before

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