Is it normal that i'm afraid to drive after this?
Ok, so just a few hours ago I finished a drivers ed session. They are about 1 1/2 hrs with 4 people, 20 min per person 3 days a week. This was the 3rd time driving ever, 1st time on a main road and also the first time going faster than 25mph. I was moving at around 30-40 mph and I was feeling a little nervous, especially with everyone else in the car and the person before me did very well. The rout we were taking was a loop from my school, onto a two lane two way street, probably about 4 miles around taking mostly right turns. About 10 minutes in my instructor keeps telling me I'm going way too close to the right where there was half a foot of a bike/parking lane and just woods. I guess I was doing it because I was overly afraid of getting near the cars coming the other way. Anyways at one point my instructor is like stop stop stop and let out a loud-ish yelp! and slams the breaks (I wasn't sure what was going on) and tells me I'm not driving anymore because apparently I was close to hitting some pole (even now I don't know what she was talking about) she said I gave her a small heart attack and I wasn't really sure what my mistake was be she had the look of death on her face and when this happened I wanted to just dissappear I was so confused, scared and embarrassed. She had the next person go and while they were driving she kept telling me to get more practice outside of the class and then some time later she hands me a paper with info on getting private lessons and it's a few hours later but now I'm scared to drive on that road again. Next class she said we'd be driving exclusively on a road called 25a which is super busy and I'm def. Not ready. Idk what to do but I feel like I wish I could just not even drive next week but I have to because the lessons cost so much and if I miss this one I won't be able to make it up. If anybody wants to comfort me with their similar experiences that would be much appreciated. Thanks. I feel like I just took an adrenaline shot.