Is it normal that i'm afraid to eat in front of people?

It's more men than women that I'm afraid of eating in front of, but I get uncomfortable around everyone.
I struggled with anorexia for about two years. My eating habits have become healthier, but my fear of being judged/ embarassed if I'm seen with food hasn't gone away.
A really nice guy is interested in my now, and asked me to be his girlfriend but I said no because I'm too afraid of going on a date.
He's started asking if I have an eating disorder because we've been friends for four months and he's never seen me eat.
Is this normal? What do I do?

Voting Results
65% Normal
Based on 51 votes (33 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • Anime7

    I think that you should give this guy a chance. He sounds genuinely nice and someone who cares about you. Eating in front of people is a common phobia but this lad is willing to help you overcome your fear. I think that there is a large part of you that wants to date this boy and would be dammed if you didn't take him up on his offer for a date.

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  • HeedlessLove

    thank you to everyone :)
    I am trying to work through my fears, and work up the courage to tell him what's going on.

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  • Greyface

    It's not normal in the sense that a lot of other people do it, but for someone with a history like yours, it's completely normal.

    I have some anxiety, and feel very uncomfortable eating in front of certain people, mostly boys. For me, it's normal, but some may not understand where you're coming from.

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  • CheyChey

    It's normal & very common for recovering/recovered anorexics to not to want to eat in public. relax & enjoy a meal in public take baby steps if need be the world isn't glaring at you & marking you & giving scores on your eating be it portion sizes, how wide you open your mouth or how you chew.

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  • p0c0no

    I have about five different social disorders so I can't even eat in front of others without screaming my head off that everyone's staring at me even though they're not. I've suprisingly never been to a mental hospital. Oh and about the guy, just flat out tell him. If he just startes hating on you, I'd dump him.

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  • blackmesa

    I agree with anime7, if he's nice, give him a chance. He may help you overcome your fear. I think you should work on this phobia, nobody is judging you! Good luck.

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