Is it normal that i'm afraid to gain weight?

I'm a nervous wreck when it comes to weighing myself at the doctor's. I tried dieting and exercise too. Many people have accused me of having an eating disorder, but i promise I dont since I always end up eating even if i do try to starve myself. I'm not heavy at all, I have a good BMI, and I want to keep it that way. I'm just scared of getting bigger. Is this normal?

Voting Results
72% Normal
Based on 71 votes (51 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • Leviathanel

    don't put any trust into the BMI it is completely unscientific. it's obvious to tell if your over weight but using a chart like that could be extremely unhealthy. tricking yourself into thinking a healthy weight is actually unhealthy and then forfitting good nutritional balance to stay underwieght. or by not including facts like thin or thick bones or musclemass so you think you should gain weight when you are actually at a good weight.

    either way i could denouce it more if needed but i think it's done our society a serious disservice.

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  • Anime7

    I have the same fear, except I'm not obsessed with weighing myself. My advice would be to exercise and eat healthy.

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  • TheProph

    It's a shame more women don't have this fear...

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  • shakalaka

    I'm scared of losing weight. Simply because I'm underweight. I'm scared to weighing myself. I eat a lot but didn't gain weight.

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  • ze_rhino

    its very normal to be afraid to gain weight you dont want others to call you fat which you cause you fear of being overweight and dont care what people say.

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  • VioletTrees

    "I dont since I always end up eating even if i do try to starve myself."

    That doesn't mean you don't have an eating disorder. How often do you try to starve yourself? Anyway, even if you don't have an eating disorder, that's not a healthy way to look at weight and food. Also, I'm an enormous, bulimic hypocrite.

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    • Not often since recently my loved ones found out and they've been shoving food down my throat, lol. And have you tried seeking help for your bulimia?

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  • InfiniteShadows

    I think is normal. Everyone should be afraid of gaining too much weight, simply because it's just not healthy, of course. But, you know, it is very okay to eat SOME food! :)

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    • VioletTrees

      Do you really think that fear is necessary to prevent weight gain?

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  • Energy

    Same here. And I use to have an eating disorder.

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