Is it normal that i'm always scared of getting raped?

These days I feel like I try and distance myself from guys as much as possible because of how scared I am that they're going to touch me or look at me in a sexual way. I get like this with everyone , random guys, friends, the dad, grandpa, uncles, you name it. If they're sitting close to me or walk by me I feel anxiety until they move away from me. I do have a boyfriend who is very protective over me and do have a past where this anxiety may have came from, I just don't know shake the thought that all guys are out to get me. Any advice?

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57% Normal
Based on 141 votes (80 yes)
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Comments ( 31 )
  • --ash--

    Eat lots, get fat & no one will look at u in any way!

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    • Even though it is a troll answer the logic does make sense.

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    • jondoerandom

      My dad always said "Every game has its hunter". No, my dad is not into fat chicks, he's just shooting shit. but you'd have to do something more radical.. like growing a moustache..

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  • How do you think men feel that you are branding them as "possible rapists", especially your family?

    I knew a woman that murdered her husband, does that mean I'm going to view them all as murderers?

    I think society has gone too far, saying the risk of rape as if it happens to everyone in life that is female. Even the "two in four women will be raped by someone they know", and I am yet to come in contact with someone that has been raped, and I know a lot of women, and they used to tell me everything untill I washed my hands of them (They done nothing wrong, I just seen no reason to keep them as contacts).

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    • wigsplitz

      Exactly, how do you feel being branded based on a minority example of your race/gender and nothing to do with your own personal achievements or actions??

      People should be judged based on their own actions and nothing else.

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    • thinkingaboutit

      I can guarantee that you've known at least one man that has been molested and one female that's been raped.

      Do you really think most people want to chat about, arguably the worst thing that's ever happened to them?

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      • You do have a point, but I am still to see someone be accused of rape, or charged of rape. Surely if it is happening as much as the media says it is, there would be at least one time someone got arrested for it.

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    • Aleks85

      Did they stop suckin dick? The girls you cut off as contacts I mean.

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      • They never did at all. I move locations alot, so when I moved to areas I wouldn't have any direct contact with, I seen no reason to keep them in contact, same for the guys I knew.

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  • Neapolitana

    ItDuz: you are simply misinformed on the subject. You seem to think that if people in your neighborhood are not being arrested for rape, that the crime is not being committed. This is not true. Rape is extremely underreported and under prosecuted.

    OP: it sounds like you need some therapy to help you work through your past. You should always keep yourself safe, but that does not mean that you must live in fear, or hate men:)

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  • jalynn6

    Pinkcheerleaderxoxo what kind of clothes do you wear? Low cut tops? tight jeans? you are a cheerleader, right? You can not possibly be afraid of male attention and dress to show your body at the same time. Think about that, and the way you dress. Also you need to assess your own self image. Realize there is more for you to offer humanity than sex.
    This problem is in your head and therefore up to YOU to fix. Maybe the boyfriend is a little abusive/possessive and you just dont realize it yet? Step back and take a look at your life and what is going on there. Something is not right. Also, I know how you feel to a degree. I was messed with as a child, and I had a womans body very young so I always dreaded the looks of older men. Now that I am older I realize most of them meant me no harm.
    For all you others..
    I have been molested by someone I knew at a young age, I was date raped and raped by a stranger. I do not shy away from male attention nor do I go out of my way to get it. I am NOT the hottest thing on the planet but I am not ugly. I am average. I know horrible looking little whores who get paid for sex all the time. There is no norm, and nothing is sacred anymore. Rape happens, and it is probably RARELY reported.
    To Pinkcheerleaderxoxo again, go to your local police station and ask them for a whistle and put it on your keychain. It can be heard for a very long distance. Also I have a metal 'tag' on my key chain that doesnt look threatening at all but will do serious damage if applied correctly. Take some personal defense courses and stay out of dark parking lots at night. and to all your girls

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  • pinkcheerleaderxoxo

    Who are you to tell me that it isent true? Do you stay up at night worrying? Avoid your friends and family because your scared? No so I would just move along unless you'd like to give some advice.

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  • pinkcheerleaderxoxo

    Thank you boo! Yours helped the most

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  • Boo!

    We all have fears like that first thing you should do is talk to the people close to you. Maybe this resulted because of trust issuse. Try trusting again. You shouldn't judge everyone the same from one bad behavior you might have encountered. Its not fair to look at everyone as if they're bad people because of something that might have happened in the past. Don't hold everyone accountable for something they didnt to...

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    talk to a doctor.

    such a bias isn't normal

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  • thinkingaboutit

    it's called paranoia.

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  • codeblue

    Just watch porn. Porn helpd

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  • ygrowup

    I am sorry, but only time and counseling can most likely change you

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  • If you aren't super hot i wouldn't worry, no one's doing six years in prison for some skank.

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    • wigsplitz

      You'd be surprised. Ever looked at the prostitute mugshots on youtube? Someone's PAYING to have sex with those 'things'....and I'm sure they get raped ALL the time.

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      • Um they get raped because the person didn't want to pay lol. Thats the only reason, to save money.

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        • wigsplitz

          Um and it's also proof that it doesn't matter how ugly or fucked up you look, someone will still pay to have sex with you, and you'll also be raped.

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          • No, it proves that isn't true.

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  • MoeLester

    Nobody's gonna rape you

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    • Aleks85

      I'm gonna rape her, don't lie.

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  • heretohelp000

    Well I guess you could sacrifice your self respect to stop the fear. Just stare at yourself in a mirror until you realize that if someone was going to risk raping somebody, they would have about a billion people before youon their rape list.

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  • pinkcheerleaderxoxo

    I guess I just have this idea in my mind that all guys just want one thing, like mom always says haha. I also have extreme anxiety that I've been dealing with pretty much my whole life so that might play a part in it.

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  • Devyn

    In general it's not normal; however it may be understandable depending on the past events which you alluded to. As for how to get over it I would advise hanging out with guys more and making friends with them so that you see some guys in a completely non-sexual light and understand that, obviously, they're not all out to rape you.

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  • randypete

    maybe you relay would like this to happen

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  • Imsupernormal

    I hope your ugly ass get raped bitch!

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  • anti-hero

    I once saved a girl from being raped, when I changed my mind.

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