Is it normal that i'm an atheist but not a liberal

I'm an atheist but I'm fiscal conservative and I also strongly believe in traditional gender roles. I just don't believe in a god or in the sanctity of marriage. I'm also against feminism.
Most other atheists seem to be very liberal, feminist and anti-capitalism/consumerism but not so me. IIN?

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63% Normal
Based on 38 votes (24 yes)
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Comments ( 26 )
  • nAt2017

    I'm a theist and I'm liberal. Religion and politics don't have to be associated with each other.

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    • jondoerandom

      perfect answer!

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    • Lynxikat


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  • Neapolitana

    You're "against feminism"? So you do NOT think that men and women should have equal rights?

    Yes, it is normal that you are an idiot.

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    • rekltalni

      Modern feminism has lost its course. Men and women have equal rights for over a decade already. All modern feminism is doing is producing chauvinists by forcing it to an extreme with the "slutwalks" for instance. It's doing no good to females or males.

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      • AwkwardlyMe

        Umm, women still get paid less then men working the same jobs, but i do partly agree that some of the recent march for women rights are stupid.

        Like the one in america, where they are trying to make it legal for women to walk half naked exposing their boobs in public.
        I find it unnecessary and kinda gross. I don't want to see it in my face.
        Their argument was something like, men should stop thinking of us sexually, and i was thinking 'our bodies should be a secret the men want to discover, not laid out like a piece of meat...'

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        • Yhertay

          Women earn less because they don't do the same amount, same quality or same intensity of work as men do. For the work done - there is no pay gap just fair salaries based on work completed. It's a shame that some still believe everything is equal, or should be equal, when it never will be.

          Men and women are different. Men provide best, women raise best.

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  • alv1592

    Normal. I'm a Christian/Catholic but I'm a liberal. I don't think being open-minded is sinful at all.

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  • howaminotmyself

    It takes all kinds. Just don't get caught up in the labeling of ideas belonging to one specific group of people.

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  • dappled

    I'm starting to see why me admitting to being liberal was "a bad thing". It seems to mean anti-American or anti-God or anti-capitalism or even socialist or communist.

    The liberal I was admitting to being was the centrist. Seeing the points of both the conservatives and the socialists.

    I want to write something more enlightening about what you actually asked but I'm too tired to think. Maybe I'll come back to this if/when it gets moderated. :)

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    • I'm a European myself and when I mean liberal I mean as in France, UK, Germany etc i.e. people who believe in big government. On a few non-economic topics I take the more liberal side but not those I listed above. When I say I'm against feminism it is because they aren't truly after equality any more but the demonisation of men and male sexuality. This is especially true in the USA I think but it exists here in Europe as well.
      I'm against female quotas in the workforce too. You either ARE a brilliant female and you don't need that or you aren't and if a quota helps you get the job well I don't think that really proves a female's worth then.
      Also, feminists claim to represent the entire female gender but there are females who don't want a career and end up needing to have a job because economics have adapted to 2 salaries being the bare minimum when one salary used to suffice to support a whole family. A lot of females end up single mums too and since more females than males demand a divorce it's too easy to blame it on men fucking around.
      If a woman isn't career oriented and just has a job is it so much more satisfying than doing household chores for her family? I don't think so.

      Traditional gender roles? Well yes mum was a housewife and I kinda miss how families used to be and now it's all recomposed families or sad lonely singles. I'm a bit split on this myself because I'm sexually liberal and don't mean to claim only men can have it like that so it's a big dilemma bt this is a very unfortunate side-effect of sexual liberalism. Meanwhile those who follow strict religions breed like rabbits so we atheists with our ideas of small family, career etc may very well let ourselves be out-bred out of existence soon.
      The usual position of leftist atheists here is that science and education will cure all but it won't as you may notice how it's virtually impossible to convince a theist that there is probably no god.

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      • Lynxikat

        When you mean you don't like feminists, do you actually mean that you don't like the hard core feminists? Cause if someone says they're against feminism, it automatically makes people think that they're against men and women having equal rights, and are misogynist.

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    • Lynxikat

      So you're the OP? So you're against males and females having equal rights?

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      • dappled

        Nah, I'm not the OP. I just realised from what the OP said that liberal means something very different in America. And I kind of now realise why I got a strange reaction when I admitted voting liberal.

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        • Lynxikat

          Honestly, in America, liberals pretty much run the media and most of the nation are stone cold Democrats- I don't know why you would have gotten such a strange reaction, even if being a liberal means something completely different in the US.

          I'm curious, where are you from? Are you from the UK? I'm curious, just what are the differences between being a liberal in your country than being a liberal in the US?

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          • dappled

            UK, yes. Here, a liberal means a balance between Republican and Democrat (or Conservative and Social Democrat). A liberal understands big business needs tax cuts to thrive, but also that welfare needs to be sensible and that some people need help. It's about not pushing the balance between those things too far in either direction. The Centrist position doesn't seem a big part modern US politics. I wonder how many US citizens actually are centrists, though, forced to vote either left or right.

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  • Socialism = if you can't fly then I'm not allowed either.

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  • OswaldCobblepot

    You must not be a rationalist… ^__^

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    • As if being a socialist were rational...

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      • OswaldCobblepot

        Utilitarian ethics, bitches.

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  • Allistalla

    you do not have to be Christian to follow conservaetive values and belief its basicly how we should spend our money and run things you care about , I think you would be a intresting person to talk to ^^ .

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    If that's the way you are, then it's normal. You don't have to fit the typical atheist profile.

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  • SamuraiGallade

    Traditional gender roles? Could you please elaborate?

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    • Lynxikat

      I'm assuming he means that how women are the housewives, and taking care of the house while it's the man who brings home the money.

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    I'm from Europe. Liberal thought is dominating here.

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  • Liberal people are in general fairly open-minded people, so it would seem likely that they'd be the first identifiable group of people to strongly embrace atheism.

    You are a rarity among your kind, but that doesn't mean your beliefs are abnormal or misplaced.

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