Is it normal that i'm considered a geek because...
... I speak weird languages. like na'vi or klingon or whatever. that's why people think I'm a geek. Nga sìltsan?Nga tsawl utral! I don't know what else to say now -.-
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... I speak weird languages. like na'vi or klingon or whatever. that's why people think I'm a geek. Nga sìltsan?Nga tsawl utral! I don't know what else to say now -.-
i think it's better to be a geek instead of an least a geek tries to create a future to improve his life and focus on something he likes.
the ignorants grow ignorant day after day...they are not aware how culture might be interesting and useful
All you people calling him a geek need to grow up. You are either young or an older person with half a brain that is stuck as a teenager trying to sterotype people that are not the same as you.
We live in a cruel world don't we...
Everybody focuses on "Being cool" and doing "Bad things",
But nobody has an interest of someone who has accomplished learning multiple languages.
Don't let them get you down. You can do something (that'll open doors for you in the future) and they can't.
You're not a geek. I may be one in a few to say "It's cool to speak multiple languages, I'm proud".
My friends think I'm a geek too. Nothing wrong with it. Just be yourself. If someone has an issue with you than fuck em. They are not worth your time anyway.
without the word "nerd" i agree with ryuhe,i dont think navi is going to help u in the for the rest lulu said everything i had to say:-P
I have a couple friends that speak languages from Star Wars and Avatar. (Na'vi. I don't know the other ones) I don't agree with peope that call you or anybody else geeks. If it makes you happy, then do it. DOn't let the opinion of others affect you.
Wait, if I say yes i'm saying:"yes its normal they say your a geek" or:" Yes, it's nor,mal you do the blambalsbumchacalaca shit" ????