Is it normal that i'm doubting my relationship at this point?

My name is T and I'm a 21 year old male. Just recently I found out that my High School sweetheart of 9 years is pregnant. I am without a doubt extremely excited to be a father! It's just that I'm doubting wether or not she and myself should be together anymore. I feel as if the love has been lost for a very long time and that we do and always have brought out the worst in one another. We fight constantly, argue and have even been known to have pyhsical confrontations. I am ashamed of the way I've acted in the past and I wish that we could somehow just rebuild our trust, but we've tried many different things and I feel that we have just stayed together out of convenience and familiarity. It's my belief and nightmare that if we were to stay together and raise this child together we would end up destroying one another and in the process the life of my unborn child. I grew up in an extremely dysfunctional house hold as a child and I know all to well the trauma that a bad relationship between adults can cause a child. I do not want this, I do want the child and I will support her for the next 18 years without question, I just know that we are not meant to be together. She was my first and true love and I will always love her, I am just not in love with her. I am so conflicted right now, I am scared of the judgements my peers would have if I were to leave her while pregnant. They don't know what goes on behind closed doors though and they don't understand the hurt the we have inflicted on one another in the past? Does anyone have advice they could offer?

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Comments ( 4 )
  • joybird

    For your own conscience and for the sake of the child, I think that if I were you I would stay until the child was born. Then I would want to make sure that the child was safe and secure with the gf having family support - before I would leave.

    It would be easy to leave at any time, especially after a major row.

    I know that you are willing to support the child but there is no need for you to sacrifice your whole life by being with a woman you don't love.

    Good luck.

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  • EdWall234

    You seem more worried about what others think as opposed the other issues, if you care about what others think so much, think about your to-be-born child. That child will grow up with parents who always fight, and he/she will come to think that's generally acceptable.

    Pardon my language but, screw what others think, what would they do in that situation?

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  • emotionalwreck4ever

    your probably getting mood swings, me and my boyfriend argued alot too then i got pregnant and our baby got us closer together.

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    • TpainSwain

      I think it's a false pretense to say that a child would bring us closer together. If we were broken before a child arrives we will still once he/she are here. We need to fix ourselves for the baby, not hope that the baby will fix us. Problems don't just disappear.

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