Is it normal that i'm embarrassed of my big house?

I live in a small city and more than 95% of people here live in a "normal", average house or flat. My parents are very hard working and, I can say, make lots of money ( I hope it doesn't sound selfish or snobby). I really admire them because they started from the bottom and I am really, really thankful and blessed to have a big house and good life when it comes to money. But, I have always been very worried that my friends will like me only because of money I have... I visit my friends often and I don't mind where they live cause I'm not with them for money but I don't like my friends coming over because I always feel embarrassed when they say 'wow, nice/big house/backyard'I feel like I don't fit in... Sometimes I wish I just lived in a normal house or maybe a bigger city where I wouldn't get noticed because of house I have or cars my dad owns... It represents a fear in my life and it kinda hurts... I hope you got the point

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82% Normal
Based on 68 votes (56 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • green_boogers

    You have a high quality problem.

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  • Shackleford96

    That's very modest and humble-like of you to feel that way.

    You shouldn't be afraid to show your friends though. If they are truly your friends, you should be able to show them the true you and they will still be your friend.

    Also, it seems like you've already befriended these people before they know that you are (shall we say) well off financially. That matters a lot I think.

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  • Parky_Parker

    You'd be more embarrassed if you lived in a trailer park. Give yourself a break. You said your parents are hard working people, not the Kardashians. Just continue to be grateful and enjoy what you have.

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  • mrbrownfinger

    enjoy it while you can, its not guaranteed that you'll have the same quality of life as your parents do

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  • ThePurplePanda

    A girl who went to my former school had a similar problem as we're in a rather poor area and her parents make a lot of money. When her secret got out she got picked on for being posh.

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  • heyitsmeteeheehee

    make sure they are your real friends and you know that deep down. you seem like a very considerate person. embrace what you've got. your parents would appreciate it since they work hard:)

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  • sandraasiilva

    It's normal. But don't feel bad about it, what is important is the person you are. No one chooses with what's born. This fits on your friends and you.

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