Is it normal that i'm extremely confused about religion?

I'm a Christian and I have been one all my life. But I do believe in Science and evolution and I do try to find out more about the world around me. And being a christian is getting less and less meaningful for me. I considered being an Atheist but I'm very put off by atheists who insist Christians are stupid or mindless followers. Christianity has helped me but I don't think a lot of oppression in it is right. But being a Christian is a big part of being Black and a bunch of white men are telling me that what my ancestors before me believed survive through being enslaved and being oppressed is "fairy tales". And the standards of what I believe are again being controlled by white people who think what I believe is outdated or it's civilized enough for them. I just feel like being Christian is a part of me, but there are so many reasons not to be. I'm confused. My mom told me to pray, but while I'm waiting I'd like some feedback from people. (I don't hate white people It's just the truth. Being black, and a girl really doesn't help in this country.)

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86% Normal
Based on 35 votes (30 yes)
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Comments ( 34 )
  • thegypsysailor

    Perhaps this will help put things in perspective?
    "Don’t speak to me about your religion; first show it to me in how you treat other people.
    Don't tell me how much you love your God; show me in how much you love all His children.
    Don't preach to me your passion for your faith; teach me through your compassion for your neighbors.
    In the end, I'm not as interested in what you have to tell or sell as in how you choose to live and give."

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    • gloryholeflasher

      Very well said!

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    • lislis5

      Show people don't tell them? That does work a lot better tbh. Thank you for your comment, really made me think.

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  • loopiesoupie

    I believe that everything is God. Quantum Physics strengthened that belief. I highly recommend you read or watch videos about Quantum Physics. Scientists now have the advanced technology to zoom in and see the tiniest particles that make up this whole universe. They have found that we are only .000000001% solid/physical and 99.999999999% energy. Because we know that energy can never be created or destroyed but can transform from one form to another, it would make logical sense that the energetic us(our soul) would be recycled into the universe again(reincarnation) and the physical part of us would decay.

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    • lislis5

      cool, I just might look that up!

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      • weirdgiraffekid

        *groan* oh, I've seen that comment before. Scientifically, what loopiesoupie said makes no sense. They may watch quantum physics videos, but some basic science and biology would enlighten them much more.

        Anyway. I'm very glad Unimportant has helped you find what you need. I'd just like to add, and I'm sure this has already been established, that religion should serve its followers, not the other way around. You know this: religion connects you to your culture and gives you reassurance. That should be the point of religion. Sadly, some people are told that they should serve and even fear their religion, making the whole prospect of being religious seem very stressful and messy.

        You don't have to stick yourself in a specific religion, or throw away your faith because society's version of "religion" seems bad. You have your beliefs, and they help you. That's all that needs to be.

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        • lislis5

          Thank you for this comment :) these are really helping me look at things in different ways (which I assume isn't such a bad thing lol)

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  • Unimportant

    First off, I'm sorry that atheist arguments - and their demeanor - have made you feel bad. I know the feeling; some people have a good world view, but for the wrong reasons.

    It seems that you can't really connect to white male atheists. Maybe you should listen to a black female atheist like Ayaan Hirsi Ali? Here's a link (just an example, not even a good one probably) :

    I understand that religion has helped black people to survive slavery. It also played a role in the abolition of slavery. However, it is worth considering that slavery has been justified by religious texts for centuries; even Jesus clearly expected people to keep slaves.

    About the stupid/mindless argument. It is not a valid one. However, from the point of view of evolutionary biology, at a certain age (4-5 years old, I think) we are programmed to uncritically believe whatever our imagos(parents or other close people) tell us. That is how unjustified beliefs survive through generations.

    It is because the empirical verification of their claims like "Don't go to pet the tigers!" led to death. So therefore, we are programmed to believe whatever our parents tell us at these stages in life. (Un-)Surprisingly, that is when the introduction (or, as some would say, indoctrination) to a religion occurs. So, these beliefs are not entirely voluntary. They can't be.

    By the way, there are people who are atheists, but consider themselves to be culturally muslim, or culturally christian, or culturally jewish/hindu/jain et cetera.

    Sorry for the long text ;) but if you are interested, I have more xD

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    • Ellenna

      That's a very interesting and insightful response

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      • Unimportant

        Thanks, E.

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    • lislis5

      Thank you for your message , I would like to learn as much as I can, anymore info would be helpful :)

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      • Unimportant

        Oh, I could go on forever :D Just stop me if you don't want to read my comments anymore.

        Well, here it goes.

        The standards of what you believe should not be controlled by someone besides yourself. I would just try to separate people from their arguments. If you listen to an argument, try to figure out whether it makes sense - to you and in general. End if it does: who cares whose mouth it comes from? On a number of points I happen to agree with people I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.

        If you happen to agree with something, you are agreeing with the argument, not with the person. That is how I look at it.

        Back to religion: surprisingly, most religious people I've ever spoken to don't even know what it is that they believe. Basic questions, like: "Do you hold a deist or a theist position?" remain unanswered. In debates, people usually only defend the deist position, which says that God is an entity which has created the world and has not intervened in human affairs since then.

        It is, I suspect, because the theist position is just untenable. How do you move from this entity to following a book, which was written by people, who by definition knew less about the world than you and I do?

        How come there are so many books people claim to be holy? How come they are mutually exclusive? How come there are mountains of factual mistakes in these so-called perfect books? Just questions to reflect upon.

        You have mentioned utilitarian arguments. Religion has helped people, and so on. It is certainly true that religion can be utilized, it can be useful.
        But it does not make it true. Neuroscientist S.Harris speaks interestingly about it here:
        <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

        But, as I mentioned before, you don't have to throw out the baby with the bathwater. You can still enjoy the company of your friends, you can still be spiritual, you can still transform your perception of the world by controlling your thoughts. All of these things are not exclusive to religious people, we, non-religious, have them as well.

        So, remaining culturally XYZ(Christian, in your case) without believing in unjustified things is possibly a good option, when you realize that there is less and less meaning in being religious.

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        • lislis5

          Very interesting, I'd love to listen to more of what you have to say!

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          • Unimportant

            Which direction would you like this conversation to go? Is there something you'd like me to write about or to comment on?

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            • lislis5

              Sorry i didn't respond, life gets ahead of ya. BUT-
              I think if you have something to say about Christians (if you know about them or have been one) opinion on gay marriage? I think being a christian is great sometimes, but when they start talking about how gay marriage is wrong I just think that there is no logical reason to. I just wonder if they think, "We love the sinner not the sin.". but isn't that actually saying, they love the person but they don't think they should have the same rights? How can you love someone or show respect to someone but down want them on the same level as you in society. It honestly feel that it's a hypocritical opinion.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I think above all you should be who you are inside instead of worrying so much about issues of race and gender. Maybe you're just kinda agnostic? As a Roman Catholic I believe you're a child of God, and you have an eternal soul. You're so much more than whatever external affiliations you have, we all are. God gave you a free will for a reason. You don't have to jump from such extremes as Christian to Atheist so quickly, just for the sake of labeling yourself so as to fit into a neat little box for other people. You have the right to take your time to decide and you can even choose not to decide. I think your Mom sounds like a wise woman. Prayer and meditation will bring discerment, it won't happen overnight, but it will come.

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    • lislis5

      Thank you, this comment really helped :)

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      • RoseIsabella

        You're very welcome.

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  • Short4Words

    Why do you believe?

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    • lislis5

      I believe because I want to think I'm not all alone trying to figure out why I'm here and what the heck to do. I'm scared basically lol.

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  • Stamex

    All religion is nonsense, of course you'd be confused.

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  • green_boogers

    Many people in your position decide to be spiritual but non-religious.

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  • victorygin

    You can be an atheist without being an arrogant twat about it. You actually don't have to go around belittling Christians and trying to sound smarter than you are; all that stuff is relatively new.
    Just saying, don't let the internet atheists put you off.

    And just putting this out there: I think it's ok to participate in a religion purely as a source of cultural identity for you. People may disagree with that... I just think that for some people, their religion is more about culture, family and community. But in their heart of hearts, they might not truly believe everything about the religion..

    Anyway, it sounds like you should just keep on keeping an open mind.

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    • lislis5

      I think that doesn't sound like a bad idea :), I'm going to keep an opened mind and hear as many perspectives and arguments as I can.

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  • rimjob

    I'd HIGHLY recommend you look into a genuine Christian black man by the name of James David Manning. YouTube: "best of pastor manning" . He's a dying breed.

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    • lislis5

      Though your username deters me a bit (lol), I'll check him out. Thank you for the comment.

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  • 7114garrett

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  • 7114garrett

    You need to watch the IUIC videos on youtube to find out who we are as a people. Here is one of them:

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  • RoyRogers

    Yes Anti Christian Atheists are annoying assholes and need to be smacked across the faith. Why dont you make your own church :)

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    • dinz

      I agree with you. I'm an atheist myself and I believe that everyone on this damn planet have the right to choose whatever path they wish to take.

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      • RoyRogers

        IF everyone believed that it would be a much more peaceful world. ^^ Too bad we have idiots on both sides trying to burn someone at the stake. Too bad people cant all be civilized in society.

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      • lislis5

        Thank you for being so kind and at this moment I think I'm just going to keep learning and try to find out what's best for me. :) *Nice Internet People!*

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  • GiveMeAFuckingNameAlready!

    I recommend Religulous by Bill Maher for anyone questioning their religion.

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    • lislis5

      From what I've read (since you submitted this) about this documentary is that it is very one sided (but funny) so na. Maybe a more informational source? Like a debate you feel represents both sides of the argument?

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