Is it normal that i'm extremely confused about religion?
I'm a Christian and I have been one all my life. But I do believe in Science and evolution and I do try to find out more about the world around me. And being a christian is getting less and less meaningful for me. I considered being an Atheist but I'm very put off by atheists who insist Christians are stupid or mindless followers. Christianity has helped me but I don't think a lot of oppression in it is right. But being a Christian is a big part of being Black and a bunch of white men are telling me that what my ancestors before me believed survive through being enslaved and being oppressed is "fairy tales". And the standards of what I believe are again being controlled by white people who think what I believe is outdated or it's civilized enough for them. I just feel like being Christian is a part of me, but there are so many reasons not to be. I'm confused. My mom told me to pray, but while I'm waiting I'd like some feedback from people. (I don't hate white people It's just the truth. Being black, and a girl really doesn't help in this country.)