Is it normal that i'm extremely terrified of spiders?

I am extremely afraid of spiders. Have any others got this phobia?

Voting Results
87% Normal
Based on 70 votes (61 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • Mask3r

    Better than a fear, i feel respect: if they come into my place i kill them or similar, but when i see a spiderweb somewhere else (except in my house) i let it be where it is, because it's the way the spider gets nutrients and i don't want to fuck its life.

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  • moomus

    I have over 60 tarantulas so I can't speak for myself but there are plenty of people who don't like spiders. I think the fact they don't have a "face" doesn't help. You can't humanise them. But I admit I think they're cute!

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  • MadeYouLook

    HYFR it's normal! You kidding? I'm the exact same way. That's like #2 on my list of fears. Especially tarantulas UGH. Those things get so huge!! & creepy & OMG....

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    • LiZZyxXRox

      Ikr I wish I could just eradicate them from the earth even though they kill flies and other thing. I don't care about them. I love all other bugs except them. I got my phobia from a bloody babysitter I used to have who was also terrified of them this effected me when I was like only 2. I would rather live in a house of flies other than a house of spiders.

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  • Ibelievethis

    I find spiders fascinating the way the build their own (web)homes. However I can understand your phobia though as they are quite creepy. xx

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  • polarpandakittie

    it's definitely normal. I run away screaming from baby spiders :)

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    • Ibelievethis

      I love little baby spiders. They're so cute. xx

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    • LiZZyxXRox

      Haha I know right xD

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  • Orangemarie

    I'm not sure if it's normal, but I feel the exact same way. I was bitten by one (I can't even type or say the word) when I was a child. I don't know if that's why I can't stand them or not. I don't even like crab, mosquitos or anything that has multiple legs like them. When I lived alone I would cover my eyes and spray them with hair spray because I was afraid of squishing them, and did't want it to get away and get on me while I was sleeping. Then I'd call my Gram, parents or boyfriend (if I had one at the time) to come and remove it. My Gram has prayed for me, put oil on me, and given me lectures on how I'm bigger than any bug crawling. I don't know why, but I don't want them around at all. Try using that Orkin Home Defense spray. I spray the entire perimeter of my home, then put home defense pellets all out side the perimeter of my home. They stay out for an entire year if you do this. I know this sounds stupid, but it works and I know how you feel. I may be crazy because of the fear, but I can't help it.

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    • LiZZyxXRox

      I'm glad I am not the only one, a huge black spider came into my room last night. Even though I am a teenager I rain screaming into my parents room. It woke the whole house up and they all thought we where being robbed. I got my mother to squish it and check behind everything so there wasn't a single one in my room. It had crawled under my door and up the wall! It stil haunts me haha. I can't help m fear and people are always telling me oh they are more scared of you than you are of them but I don't think so. Lol my phobia is never going to heal. I will try what you said and thanks for commenting.

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    Spiders don't harm humans but they eat other pests like mosquitos so it's not normal.

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