Is it normal that i'm habitually flirtatious?
Okay so here's the issues. The other day a bunch of friends told me that I come off as if I'm flirting, saying that when they first met me, they felt as if I were flirting with them. I was also told that I do it to anyone I meet, and that I don't notice I'm doing it; I didn't really believe them until they recorded me talking to them, and a new girl I met. From what I saw, it does appear as if I was flirting, though It's mostly friendly. I'm not doing it on purpose, and I think It's just a habit that picked up. I even caught myself doing it the other day. I don't know why I'm like that, and I don't really think It's a problem. I'm an 18 year old gay guy if that may have some impact on this habit. Though to be honest, I'm not that effeminate nor flamboyant of a gay guy. So are any of you like that? Do you guys think it might cause a problem later on? An interesting thing is that my friends say I give them butterflies(even the straight guys).