Is it normal that i'm literally terrified of butterflies???

So I'm 18 now and butterflies scare the hell out of me. It has been that way since i was a kid and I have no idea why! Whenever I see one I would freak out and run the other direction and this only happens with butterflies!!! I'm okay with all the other insects but to me butterflies are terrifying. So is it normal for a girl to be this afraid of butterflies?

Voting Results
44% Normal
Based on 82 votes (36 yes)
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Comments ( 15 )
  • GMAN

    So... What exactly are you afraid of the butterflies doing? It's a fucking butterfly.

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  • Rosemaryxoxo

    No, no its not

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  • SuzieQ76

    But they are so beautiful! How can you fear something that beautiful???

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  • Ldizzy1234

    Thats ashame, because I love butterflies.

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  • ItsOnlyJustMe

    Butterflies are freaky. Not gonna deny that. But then, so are the rest of insects, so..

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  • ~Zukka

    I had this when I was little, they totally freaked me out!
    But, I overcame that fear somewhat.. they still slightly scare me though ._.

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  • colourmoon

    i don't like them either, they look terrifying to me. but i also hate other insects.

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  • Ghost121

    You would make Fluttershy sad. :(

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  • purplealpaca

    kgnergn moths and butterflies are horrific. crane flies too. just the way they dive bomb you and their flapping wings getting in your hair. ew.

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  • bananaface

    Join the club. Except I don't mind butterflies from a good distance, they look beautiful. Moths however, make me physically sick. Can't describe my hatred for the pesky buggars!

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  • ilovearts

    It's just like many people (like me) fear spiders and cockroaches and other creepy-crawlies. I know they won't hurt me, but I still freak out when I see them.
    I guess, you just have the same thing with butterflies. they're insects too and I can see how, in a way, they can be as scary as other insects are. Even though I personally like them.

    I think it's just the way storybooks and movies portray insects that make us scared of certain ones and not others. Like spiders are usually gross and evil and butterflies and ladybugs are good and pretty. That is why most people like them. But I don't think not liking them would be abnormal.

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  • donnyice

    thats an interesting phobia

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  • GeorgeMcBob

    To conquer your fear, catch one with a net, and kill it with ether in a bottle. Pin it to a board and put a label with it's genus and species underneath it.

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    • Sidekickz

      a grenade launcher maybe?

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  • Ashleyloohoo

    Yes it's normal! I'm 20, a girl and I'm so FREAKED out by butterflies. It happened when I was little also. Weird :/ but yeah, you're not the only one!

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