Is it normal that i'm mega obsessed with playing the keyboard?

Today I finally got a new Yamaha keyboard. After years of playing the old PSR-175 keyboard (Yamaha's best known model because a lot of schools worldwide have them) I finally sold it off and got my awesome, shiny new PSR-E323 delivered.

AND I LOVE IT. I am absolutely obsessed with it! Just the feeling of choosing a powerful, epic sound and slamming down the keys is so satisfying, so wonderful. It's my own slice of heaven, just sitting there and making great prog rock music for hours!

But why am I obsessed with it, you ask? Well it's the fact that this keyboard has so many new voices, styles and sound modifications/apps compared to my old keyboard, plus a lot of awesome songs programmed into it to listen to. It's such a complex music machine, such a MASSIVE improvement over my first one, that it's as addictive as hell. Its voices and hundreds of features are brilliant. I almost want to marry the thing lol!

I guess I just love music a little too much. Oh, and there still is a place in my heart for the old PSR-175. I'll never forget that tacky old thing :P

Voting Results
87% Normal
Based on 46 votes (40 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • Faceless

    Ive always wondered why you were called keyboardsolo. I thought it was a combination of computers and Han Solo. Silly me.

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  • CountryRoads

    I prefer the recorder.

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  • KeyboardSolo

    These days I mostly stick to MIDI. Running everything from your computer allows for very easy recording and arranging, and the sound capabilities are only as limited as your ability to find VSTs and samples. I love tweaking the parameters on softsynths (software synthesizers). Obviously not as fun as using a real synth, but so, so much cheaper.

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    • dappled

      What are you using at the moment? I'm on Propellerheads Reason but always looking for other options. Worth doing a search for Reason, though, as it's a huge amount of fun. It can just be slightly flaky about certain things and it has a learning curve.

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      • KeyboardSolo

        Ableton Live, mostly. I've tried all the major DAWs and Live ended up as my favorite. It's mostly marketed as a tool for live DJ performance but it's quite well suited to just about everything. Most of all the program is just ridiculously intuitive. Much moreso than anything else I've tried. Incredibly easy to use while still being quite powerful.

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        • dappled

          Hmm, I'll look into that. Thanks for the tip.

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  • dappled

    I had a big, slightly boring, Roland digital piano and almost went for a 323 or 423 as an additional "fun" keyboard. I wish I had have done now. It sounds like you're having fun!

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