Is it normal that i'm not afraid of death?

Is it normal that I'm NOT afraid of death, but think about as something exciting to discover when I'm ready?

Voting Results
72% Normal
Based on 74 votes (53 yes)
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Comments ( 16 )
  • fluffypuff16

    If you truly do not fear death, than that is great. It is merely a simple part of life and shouldn't be feared. After all death is not the opposite of life but simply the opposite of birth, there is no telling what happens to life itself before and after those thongs. So if you find you're not scared of death, don't wonder if it's normal, just be glad, because myself and the vast majority of us envy you.

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  • FowardWeGo

    Guys, I didn't mean I'm not afraid of dying early or painfully. I'm not scared of death in general.

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  • Mando

    I'm not afraid of death much - not too early I love life - but I'm mainly only afraid of dying badly - a long drawn out, debilitated, helpless, painful, wretched and terminal illness - and once you are ill others own you and the god helpers want to drag out your misery and make you live longer and longer because hell on earth for you is their godly mission and his will be done and you have no choice to end your life because it is not your life to end but rather belongs to god and the appointed missionaries of the 21st Century who say if we let you die everyone will want that choice you are a child of god and as a child we know better and must keep you alive ....

    Other than that - no problemo!

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  • bemah

    Haha for once someone has a healthy attitude towards death. Most people live in denial, they assume they will never die, only because they're too scared to accept they will.

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  • Anime7

    I usually imagine myself thinking the same thing in the comfort of my own home. But when I walk around at night by myself, I realize that I'm just as scared as everybody else.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    Walk in front of a car and see if you still feel that way.

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  • Rexter

    Everyone who isn't scared of Dying is one of the rare amount of sane people on earth.

    People that are scared to die and probably have to believe in a god not to die are mad and insane.

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  • SplinterWingz

    I'm not scared ether, i'm actually pretty relaxed about it.

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  • Ldizzy1234

    I'm not afraid of death, but of whatever I might have to go through right before my death.

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  • Mdoobs

    It's more like sadness I feel when I think about the disparity of the time I live in this universe and the eons and eons this universe has existed, and will exist, without me in it.

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  • redoctober

    oh no guys... we got a badass over here!

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    If I was in the middle of a bomb scene where every move I make can mean the difference between my living and my being set on fire, in a car accident where my vehicle is about to be blown to kingdom come, my door is stuck and I have to get out in the next 10 seconds, or when I am getting in my car in the liquor store parking lot and one of the more mentally unstable local homeless people starts screaming incoherently at my car and running towards it with an unidentified object in their hands... then yeah, I'd be scared of death. I'd be really damned scared.

    However, theoretically, the concept of just dying doesn't bother me. If anything, I'd be more concerned for my sister and brother. They don't really have anyone to care for them other than me, so my fear of death stems from instinct and concern for loved ones that may need to depend on me sometime in the future.

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  • Gwo

    I'm not afraid to die either, because I wonder what's next.
    I'm afraid of the way I might die though.

    I'm content with dieing, not with someone slowly ripping my intestants out.

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  • suckonthis9

    Be afraid, be very afraid. You will find out where you were very, very wrong in your life (maybe, depending).
    The problem is, is that you might have already died, and not even known it, but that was or will be in a Universe far, far away and long, long ago or a long, long time in the future.
    The two big questions that you need to answer are:
    1) How Ethical am I?
    2) How Enlightened am I?

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  • NoraBaker

    I think of something funny, along the lines of Woody Allen's character in Death Knocks. Makes me look forward to it, too. My life has been kind of boring recently, I could use some klutz's company.

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  • little_freak

    Agreed with the two above of me. When you get a gun pointed at your face, all of that theoretical thought goes out the window.

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