Is it normal that i'm not afraid of spiders?

Everyone I know has some fear of spiders, ranging from acute to phobic. They freak out when they walk into a spider web, but I'm just like, "eh, whatever". They just don't freak me out that bad. Sometimes I think maybe I was a spider in a past life because of my body structure and disregard of their presence as threatening. If it looks like a bad one, I'll stay away, but generally I don't find them to be much of a threat.

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70% Normal
Based on 64 votes (45 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • VioletTrees

    They're cute.

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  • I kinda like them. Try my best to avoid killing them, just carry them outside when they're in the way. Somebody told me once that they're like, messengers -whenever you see one, you'll get some news.

    I know, it's stupid, but I still don't mind them.

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  • 20_Salutations

    I'm with you here- I think it's funny when people get scared of something not even the size of their toes and not harmful.

    Of course, if the spider was lethal to humans, I'd run.

    If a wild spider was as large as my finger, I'd get worried, but I'd kill it.

    -Spider-Man fan

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  • Mezo26

    I have a theory y some people r afraid of them... They might think they're small, different, and scary. While others might think they're small, cute/adorable, dangerous, and awesome. Lol

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  • playitloud

    You r just tougher than the rest of the wimps in this world codos to u! No effence to people who afraid of spiders but honestly who do u think is more scared u who is like a million time their size of the spider or the spider who looking at a screaming skyscraper. Unless u see a ten pound spider in Africa then I suggestion run..... Fast

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  • NotFloydzie

    They don't freak me out either. I actually like them. I like insects.

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    • funnycommercials123


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      • funnycommercials123

        Or both.

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  • dirtybirdy

    I'm with you. I expect a web across the face every morning going to my car. Does not bother me at all.

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