Is it normal that i'm nuts?
This doesn't bother me at all actually. Honestly, is being nuts always a bad thing? Couldn't it be good, like some sort of gift for some people? I'll admit it on here since this is anonymous, I am probably a bit nuts. I think about strange, bizzare, and downright mind bending things most of the time and have for the last 10 years or so. I seriously contemplate things like alternate dimensions and I have secretly felt that I had a special connection to alternate planes of reality. Sometimes, I think I can read minds and predict the future and for a while I thought I came from another planet and was sent to Earth to help society recover from all the damage that has been done by the rich of the country in a completely peaceful way of course. I can see people's auras and I am pretty sure I am psychic but maybe psychic and crazy are the same thing and crazy doesn't exist. I also write and am very creative with my stories. I really enjoy writing and am great with making up stories with some sort of societal meaning. I also function fully well in society and have plenty of friends and am not at all an anxious person. Is normal to think being crazy isn't always bad