Is it normal that i'm obessed with the nazi ways of life?

For a number of years I've been intrigued by Hitler, World War Two and the Nazi ways. I own lots of WW2 weaponry, including an MP40 (Maschienpistole .40) submachine gun, a Karabiner 98 Kurz (Kar98K) Bolt Action rifle w/ a custom 4x scope and a MG34 w/ a modified 100 round drum shaped magazine. I use these frequently at shooting ranges.

I have been jailed twice on the basis of illegal practices and owning illegal weaponry.

Is this normal?

Voting Results
43% Normal
Based on 113 votes (49 yes)
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Comments ( 29 )
  • lol_bamf

    It's fine to study the history and collect treasures from that part of history.

    But it's not cool to practice Nazism. There is no Aryan or "perfect" race. There is only the human race. And murdering people because you're different is just wrong.

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    • I do not practice Nazism. I do not discriminate against Jews, or anything like that. But I am interested about how Adolf Hitler hated them so much,

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      • Then that's normal; a lot of people share this curiosity.
        You should have pointed that out in your original post, especially when discussing such a sensitive subject.

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      • scheinwelt

        i can tell you why- if you really want to know

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        • scheinwelt

          about why hitlr hated jews that is

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          • I believe it was something to do with a jewish teacher that gave him bad grades when he was in school or something. Correct me if I'm wrong.

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            • SDDA

              Hitler actually, believe it or not, started hating Jews in a fairly normal way. Anti-Semitism was all around Europe during his teenage years; it was hard to avoid but at first he wanted to avoid it. While on the streets in Vienna he started reading Social Democratic newspapers and hated their views. He learned more about Marxism and such and started stumbling upon anti-Semitic newspapers and such. The first reason Hitler's book is called Mein Kampf (My struggle) is because in part 1 chapter 2 "Suffering in Vienna" he describes how it took him a long, painful time:

              "My ideas about anti-Semitism changed also in the course of time, but that was the change which I found most difficult. It cost me a great internal conflict with myself, and it was only after months of struggle between reason and sentiment that the former gained the victory." - Mein Kampf, page 49.

              He goes on to describe how he connected Social Democrats to a Jewish conspiracy. And though it is long and hard to read, it is a very interesting book! I only read two chapters, but I think it's so interesting how people have all these ideas about why Hitler hated the Jews (usually based on someone Jewish that he hated) when really he most likely just started hating Jews the way some other people hate races; slowly, learning about them, struggling within themselves, trying to deny their growing hate for the race, like stated in his book.

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            • bigtoy

              WARNING - LONG POST!
              If you really want to know how he managed to convince a whole nation to rise up against a minority, this is how he did it. (BTW I got this from a book called "In the Wake of the Plague")
              Hitler only put into practice something that had been going on since the middle ages all over Europe - jew hating. They were, and it is well documented, responsable for causing the Black Death by poisoning a well in Italy. The man that did it confessed and was tried. Documentary evidence supports this. The reason Hitler invaded Poland was because there were so many jews there because it was a safe haven for them after being pushed around the rest of Europe after having collectively taken the blame for so much death. It doesn't matter whether they did do it or not - that the people believed that they had done it was enough to create the hatred. Hitler managed to achieve what he did not by convincing people to hate jews but by encouraging them to attack a minority they historically already disliked. As many have pointed out here, the rest of what he did was admirable like rebuilding Germany, its economy and its national pride. That was due to the reason that he was in fact a very good politician. Of course, he became an empire builder, but that wasn't so different to the empire that the british or the romans created. He just did it with more force (though not in the case of the french who just stuck their hands up and let him in without any resistance). There have been many worse than Hitler - Mao Tse Tung was far worse - millions of his own people starved, were murdered, tortured or were imprisoned over a much longer period of time. Funny no one talks about him. Maybe because Hitler was more enigmatic.

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  • If you are so intrigued, then you should also study the repercussions of Nazism during the World Wars. Study the cons as well; they were not perfect, otherwise the world would not have stopped them.

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  • Avant-Garde

    It's normal. I'm also intrigued by them.

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  • Nice weapons you have listed there. I'm partial to the MP40 myself. There is nothing wrong with Nazism, National Socialism or Fascism. I myself am a National Socialist. People fail to realize it's not about hate. It's about preservation and love of the Aryan race.

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  • kittenlittle

    yes, my dad told me i'm related to a u-boat ace that got executed. Now i'm interested and cant stop reading about it. I'm just interested though, I dont want to be a nazi

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  • chilli-lips

    I think that it is perfectly fine to be interested in this. I Myself are an avid supporter of Hitler i think he did a lot of good and he is a ver good role model and hopefully in the future another Nazi like state will emerge.

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  • squirrelgirl

    My brother is the same way. He listens to Nazi songs, owns a uniform like the one they had, owns guns like they had, has a picture of Hitler on his wall and studies German in high school. While I don't think it's abnormal to be interested in such a detailed piece of world history, I certainly don't advocate or condone it. So many thousands of innocent people were brutally tortured and slaughtered that there's no way anyone should try to justify an admiration for Hitler.

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  • MajorHavoc

    If you really like WWII type stuff, then you should try to find and buy a game called Return to Castle Wolfenstein. It's set in a WWII timezone, and both campaign and online play is real in-depth.

    Anyways, I think it's normal to like their WAYS, but not their ACTIONS against the Jews. It's normal to be intrigued by their weaponry, battle strategy, and whatnot though.

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  • chicabonita

    I just finished night by elie Wiesel and Nazis are horrible! How can u be obsessed with them!? Shame! The things Jews gays crippleds went through!?

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    • MasterMc124

      Listen smarty, the Nazis had more intelligence that you Americans probably have (IExcept for a few, I'm Spanish so yeah). I've been interested in their ways to manage wars with so much advantage and more technological advances. Hitler's political abilities were unique, if Obama had them he would convince people of geting Obama Care.

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    • Read the above comments. I'm not obsessed with how they acted towards Jewish people, Homosexuals or the disabled.

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  • viper22lr

    He realy just used killing jews as a way to gather his country for a war

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    • And how would you know?

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  • vera046

    @ scheinwelt
    Why then?

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  • vera046

    Do you live in America? I live in the Netherlands so it's an even more sensitive subject here. I think you're completely normal though. I actually admire Hitler for a few things. I know this will sound bad to a lot of people, but I don't mean it as harsh as it sounds. I just admire how he manipulated thousands of people in believing the things he believed in. He was one heck of a politician.

    Most people in Germany and the Netherlands say they didn't know about the camps where they killed all the jews. That's not true. Almost everyone knew, and barely anyone tried to do anything about it. Hitler had a way of getting in peoples head and making them believe in his views no mather how wrong they were. Most older people in my country are just as guilty as Hitler. Bad times make people do bad things. It's happening right now with Muslims. The whole world is building up this anger towards Muslims and I think that one day a man like Hitler will use that to gain power and start a war.

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    • He was an amazing politician. If politicians nowadays were more like him - forgetting how he gassed thousands of Jewish people - then we would live in a far better world.

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  • dappled

    I'm trying not to be critical, but why would you focus so much on the weaponry of the time? It's not really anything to do with Nazism. It's just the arms they used. Have you tried to analyse why that in particular fascinates you so much? Why it makes you feel what you feel?

    It is a huge part of recent history and I'd never say everyone should think the same way, but it worries me that Nazism was born of the same economic slump we now find ourselves in. It worries me that when people are short of money, they begin to look more closely at those they perceive don't deserve a share of the wealth. When things are really bad, they do something about it, i.e. eliminate the jewry, the migrant workers, the imperfectly born, the alcoholics, and the vagrants.

    It is this hidden ugly element within us all that makes me want to live in a cave and forget "civilisation".

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    • Fair enough. I don't just focus on the weaponry, but also the logic behind the tactics and such they used. I didn't post that, because if I put too much then people would moan and complainn about it. Sorry :\.

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  • tapir

    You don't sound normal; maybe even a little troubled. Please elaborate on what you mean by 'nazi ways'. If you like the design of the Nazi uniforms and the German weaponry, also take into consideration the inhumane acts done by the Nazis, and the millions of lives they took away from others.

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  • scheinwelt

    I went through the same thing. My grandfather was a German officer who died on the Russian front. i've been fascinated by Nazism since childhood. They had a lot of good ideas. I got in trouble too over it.The one thing i have to admit is that they screwed up royally. If hitler was smarter his Empire would have lasted 1000 years and not just 12. he devasted Germany in the long run and changed their moral fiber- now they are mostly all just liberal, money loving bourgeiouse and it's a crime to be a patriot and they have officially become multicultural- something unthinkable earlier. We have to preserve their good ideas and admirable way of life (in many ways)and reject the bad that destroyed our Nation. would like to keep in contact with you. write back.

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    • I also had family that died on the Russian front. My Great, Great grandfather was killed by a tank, bad way to go :\!

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      • scheinwelt

        if this is about ideals - its a good thing. Find how to project this interest into a positive way. efficiency, hard work made everyone equal, discipline, self sacrifice, caring about other people and the bigger picture than oneselve- an entire nation working for one goal- to benefit each other- the HJ movement- taking teens away from the clubs and bringing them back to nature, learning survival and real brotherhood, exercising and playing sports constantly(not like todays couch potatoes sitting all day playing computer games), developing their minds and bodies-a healthy body and a healthy mind_ an ancient Greek saying- these were all great Nazi ideas and they made it into reality for a short time.. "Work for the future. Don't throw away the hero in your heart" a qoute by the philospher Nietzsche. use your obsession in a positive way- to try and change things for the better. BTW don't be a half ass skinhead who just wants to beat people and hurt them for his own pleasure. They're just pathetic. Thats not what National Socialism is about.

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