Is it normal that i'm obsessed with a having a car for a long journey?

I know how stupid it sounds like, I sound like a total consumer but it isn't so, I'l explain;

The reason that I want a car isn't to make me daily life easier, I have no interest in showing off either. I don't care what kind of car it is, it could be totally fucked up, as long as it moves, it's fine. I just want to drive away. I don't know for how long, a week, 2, maybe even a month or maybe more. I just want to drive without a purpose and without a destination, stop by where ever I want to stop by, I also want to be alone.

I just want to keep going. From city to city, town to town, until I'm satisfied.

Ever felt like this?

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98% Normal
Based on 53 votes (52 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • Ghost121

    Yes...yes I have.

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  • Rayuela&Tea

    Well, one of my wildest dreams is to be a globetrotter; to move to town to town, country to country. But I would need alot of money and alot of help to do it.
    Pretty normal, I would try it.

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  • Dulse.

    I've felt this way before many times. I totally want to do this sometime.

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  • toliety


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  • TerryVie

    Thats called "Wanderlust".

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  • Redliner

    No this is normal.

    I try to set aside at least an hour or two during the night to run down the Interstate. Driving always gives me a sense of peace and excitement.

    Perfectly normal, it's just a release, say like reading a book or watching TV.


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  • Dozis

    I have, wished I had a better car for longer commutes. Stuck in the middle of the desert with an useless car showing my thumb to total strangers hoping I wouldn't get picked up by some sort of maniac with all the intention of raping me, murdering me, then ditch my body near a cactus or something. So, definitely a good idea.

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  • callb4ucome

    Think of all the tolls you would have to pay

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  • lemonlove

    I feel like that all the time

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