Is it normal that i'm obsessed with writing made up autobiographies?

Ok, here's the problem.
When I'm bored I have this habit of writing made up autobiographies of made up people (singers, film producers, actors, etc.). They start with a summary of the 'celebrity' and then starts of like a Wikipedia entry, with it begining with the person's childhood and career forays and develops until their adulthood and success. I end up writing around a page a week- in one I wrote 14 pages!!!
I mean these people aren't even real for gods sake!

Am I going mad, or are there other people out there who do the same?

Voting Results
53% Normal
Based on 51 votes (27 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • heckyea10

    That's actually a really cool idea! You're not crazy, you're just creative.

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  • YOU ARE SO INVENTIVE WITH YOUR TIME! good on you, creative guy!

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  • justanordinarygirl

    You are just a creative person. Maybe you should give writing a book a shot? :) Good luck!

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  • squirrelgirl

    I do a similar thing. I prefer writing biographies of the characters I daydream about rather than actually writing stories about them. Collectively it's sort of a "guidebook" for anyone who wants a better understanding of my fantasy world.

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  • Asteria

    You should write stories:)
    You sound really creative!

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  • XxXTheBrokenPathXxX

    I do that too. It's normal, and fun. It just means you're creative.

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  • deviantd

    I voted that it's not normal, but it's very creative. It sounds like you have a great talent and could use it as a career in writing.

    If you don't like or have a talent for writing complete stories, you could help other writers come up with characters they want to use in their writing.

    Maybe not the main characters, but a sub character or friend. I'm sure you get the idea

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  • dappled

    This is so weird. I write fake autobiographies too and yesterday I wrote one about someone who posts on IIN about fake autobiographies and another one about a person who replies to the post about fake autobiographies. In the autobiography of the second person, I wrote that they posted the following words on IIN:

    This is so weird. I write fake autobiographies too and yesterday I wrote one about someone who posts on IIN about fake autobiographies and another one about a person who replies to the post about fake autobiographies. In the autobiography of the second person, I wrote that they posted the following words on IIN:

    This is so weird. I write fake autobiographies too and yesterday I wrote one about someone who posts on IIN about fake autobiographies and another one about a person who replies to the post about fake autobiographies. In the autobiography of the second person, I wrote that they posted the following words on IIN...

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