Is it normal that i'm paranoid about my safety if i enter politics?

I've recently developed a major interest in entering politics (and with it the ability to change things for the better), the idea of being a representative, governor, senator, part of the president's cabinet or actually being the president (if the natural-born clause is ever repealed), etc. has always fascinated me. I know it wouldn't be an easy route for anyone, but I'm wondering if my safety would be in too much jeopardy based on my circumstances.

Thing is, I was born to Muslim parents and all of my extended family consider themselves Muslim (some of them are pretty right wing). Problem with that is that I'm a closeted Atheist, only one of my family members even knows what I really am and they've made sure not to tell anyone. So far I've kept up the facade whenever I'm around them, but there's no way I could keep it up if I ran for any major office. Due to the amount of things people dig up on their opponents in politics, I feel like even if I changed my name and looks, my opponents would still find a way to show to the public that I am an apostate. I don't think even trying to sever all contact with my extended family and assuming a new identity before running for a major office would still work.

On top of the risk of an honor killing from within my extended family and certain Muslims of the American public, I feel like my biggest risk would be from abroad. Given the amount of Muslim-majority countries with large groups of people who hate the US, a major American political figure who is an ex-Muslim would seem to be the perfect target for an assassination, and I feel like for the rest of my life I'd have to worry about some right wing nutjob trying to shoot me or trying to blow themselves up if that takes me down with them.

I'll add that the majority of Muslims I've encountered here in America don't actually agree with the killing of apostates and think that it's just the extremists who agree with that (even though on the wider scale that's unfortunately not true), but the threat from within and especially abroad definitely still remains.

I wonder if I should kill my dreams now before they (possibly) get me killed.

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Comments ( 14 )
  • Bake34

    Unfortunately I think you're absolutely right. You would be the perfect target. People wouldn't care who you really are. They would dig into your past and tear you to shreds. That's real politics.

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    • ireallyliketurtles

      Sigh...if only things could be different.

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      • Bake34

        I completely agree

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  • Steve2!

    I plan on studying politics in a more thorough fashion after completing my PhD. I aim to form my own political party with the aim of creating the perfect society that all world leaders in history have failed at.

    It's a good decision on my part. Even if I am assassinated as a politician, I really don't care for life anyway, and if I succeed, I gain my desired society.

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  • Lifeistooshorttotakeseriously

    If your personal safety is concerning you now as an unknown you don't have what it takes to enter politics. You are who you are. Either use it to champion your cause and stand for something or change your name and risk being portrayed by your opponents as a coward / fraud (no votes there). Your personal safety should be less important to you than seeing positive change in action or a required policy in practice. If your dreams are worth living you'll live them regardless of the obstacles you face. People facing far more adversity than you accomplish amazing things because they embrace their fears. They wake up each day knowing deep within that they don't have a choice but to live their dream wherever it takes them.

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  • Myghoul2099

    yeah, just weigh the pros and cons. it's not like people get on their hands and knees and worship you even if you do become president. all it is stress and anxiety.

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  • Lonely2

    just be a total bigoted prick..they live forever

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  • Crow

    You might want to consider law school and a career as a judge. You still make hefty decisions but you're far less likely to be killed for them.

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  • green_boogers

    Go underground and do intelligence work for the NSA.

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  • yourdeepestshame

    If you run as a Democrat, you stand a chance of getting elected, even if they know you formerly practiced Islam.
    The way the Republican party is today, I can't see a middle eastern-looking atheist making it very far in the GOP (or any other conservative-minded party, for that matter).

    Btw, you were right when you said changing your name and looks wouldn't be a solution.
    In this country, you can't just disappear and get into office like that. You can't fake a social security number and you can't turn back time--you can't forge dozens of medical records, IRS forms, school records, and social media comments/images either. Then there's most obvious one, politicians are in the public eye, someone would probably recognize you (sooner or later).

    How much does this mean to you?
    How much do you really want it?
    Are you after prestige and self achievement?
    Or is it idealism, do believe you can bring something to this nation that other future-politicians can't?
    What are you willing to risk?

    On a side-note, are you serious that extended family might consider honor killing you?
    Are you Sunni or Shia?
    What country is your family from?
    Were they part of the aristocracy, the upper class, the middle class, or the common people?

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    • ireallyliketurtles

      It is something that would mean alot to me and something I feel like i could make quite a change in. There is some desire for prestige and self-achievement on my part as well I will admit, but I do realize that such a desire is not nearly enough. It's true that there are other routes I could go but it seems like politics is the most direct.

      As for what I'm willing to risk, I'm not entirely sure to be honest. I feel like I'd be at a safety risk before I can even reach any major office because my background would be shown during any regional or national political campaign.

      As for your side note, I could legitimately see a small fraction of the members of my extended family considering it (I've also seen them listening to clerics who are pro-death for apostates, especially for those who offend Muslims in any way or mock Islam). The rest I'm not too worried about.

      I'm wary of providing additional details, however.

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  • LizardSkin

    Muslims are on their way out, maybe you didn't get the memo. They got a year left to exploit this country.

    Atheist? Fuck them too. This is God's country.

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  • self-righteous_feminazi

    Reported. You can't say killing.
    - women of IIN

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    • LizardSkin

      You're gonna hate it here then cause I detest Feminazi's, one of my most despised groups next to the Mooslums and Liberal/Progressives, and will stalk you as I see you. And spray you with raid like the coachroach you are.

      Just fair warning.

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