Is it normal that i'm proud to be white?

I am so sick of seeing every other race being able to be proud of who they are but if I ever even utter words close to being proud to be white all of a sudden I'm a fucking racist! There are magazines dedicated to black people who exclusively exclude white people but if any magazine excluded blacks on purpose that would be fucking blasphemy! I am so sick of this it's driving me insane!

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72% Normal
Based on 124 votes (89 yes)
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Comments ( 48 )
  • anti-hero

    What is to be proud of? You didn't do anything, you were just born white. Pride is something you should have when you actually do something. No one of any color should be proud of their race. They should be proud of the things they do. If you are happy to be white or black or whatever that is fine, but it is nothing to be proud of. So be white and be happy but don't be proud. If the color of your skin is all you have to be proud of (no matter what color it is) then I feel bad for you.

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    • NeuroNeptunian

      I don't know why you got thumbsed down, but I agree with this 100%. Pride is something to be felt in yourself and your accomplishments, not in the color of your skin or your ethnicity in general.

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      • anti-hero

        I was thumbed down because people are stupid haha :) But thank you.

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    • TerryVie

      see, thats why i like you. I read the title and came in here expecting to write quite exactly that.

      Only losers are proud about something they contributed nothing to.
      You can be thankful to your parents that they made you, you can consider yourself lucky that you're white(since obviously thats your preference), you can even be proud about your great grandfather(in a "he was awesome" cherishing way) to have fought against(or for) the Nazi's.
      But if you had no fuckin' part in it, and especially if nobody really did something to influence the outcome, it's not your place to feel proud about it. Unless you're a loser.

      Oh wow, someone in Las Vegas just won the lottery. I'm so proud.

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      • anti-hero

        And that is why I like you, you expand my basic thoughts.

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    • ANP333

      I'm proud of myself and my friends for not taking racist remarks from black, mexican and aboriginal people. I'm proud that despite the fact that coloured people call me racist for no reason just for being white I have NEVER retaliated (other than this post, although I wouldn't call this retaliation). I have a lot to be proud of and never in my post did I say that colour was the only thing I was proud of.

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      • disthing

        But it's like saying "I'm proud I have eyes", or "I'm proud I have functioning testicles"... It doesn't make much sense. It's not a personal achievement.

        'Proud to be gay', 'proud to be black', 'proud to be a woman' etc. I think perhaps using the word pride is a little misleading in these situations, and I think what the majority mean is not that they are proud, but that they are content with their identity. That they are comfortable with who they are, whether it be their ethnicity, sexuality, gender, nationality etc. They aren't ashamed.

        The antonym of shame is pride. But there is something between the two, and that is indifference, acceptance even. What people should be saying is "I accept who I am" not "I am proud of who I am".

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      • anti-hero

        The only thing wrong with your arguement is the word proud. Let me ask, what is your religion if any?

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  • FocoUS

    You're one of those shit heads that wonder why there isn't a white history month aren't you.

    People that weren't Caucasian, male, heterosexual had this little trouble in history when society saw them as less than human. It's sickening I know. "Pride" is a way of rejecting these negative views, some that still exist today. It's like saying "Hey, I'm black and I'm proud of that even though the society seems to tell me I should be ashamed"

    Or in short you should read a history book.

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    • Mando


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  • iEatZombies_


    I do slightly see what you're saying, in the sense that white people have been told over time to be ashamed of themselves. To which I say I most certainly am not ashamed to be white.

    I don't understand how people don't realize whites are discriminated against- everywhere and all the time.

    Though, as Parrish said, and I've said in recent comments, skin color is not an accomplishment and therefore nothing to be proud of.

    There's something else people don't consider- you may be the color you are now, but your recent ancestors could have been a different color. Recent being in context with the timeline, of course.
    Skin pigments are easy to change back and forth. Look back about 500 years and you might be surprised.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    Well, minorities in this country are not typically the riches people and it is fact that the black and hispanic youth have more dropouts and criminal records than that of any race. Black pride like magazines, TV channels, etc. are to give young black people (or other minorities) pride in there race so that they can feel like they can. A lot of young black people are under he impression that, because of their skin, they cannot be successful and the black pride is to help them believe in themselves and be proud of who they are.

    On the side of that, through out history, minorities like blacks and Native Americans went through many opressions. I am not Native American, so I don't know much about how they celebrate or what they do, but black people are saying "Even though we have gone through what we go through, we are still proud to be who we are!"

    I think that it's great that you have pride in your race and who you are and I think everyone should be like that. I just wanted to let you in on why African Americans and other minorities do such things, though.

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    • Mando

      Yes. Anyone can turn on TV or watch movies and see who are - usually and predominately - the main or lead characters, who are in minor roles or just not even there. You'd have to be colour blind not to see the obvious - and kids sure see it. That's just a small example - but one that anyone can see if they look.

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  • blossom519

    it problaby seems rasit because slavery happened

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  • anon199

    Whites can only inherit guilt, not pride. What did white people ever accomplish?

    Sarcasm I know, look at MOBO, what a joke. Songs which have violins and string arrangements get in there, but if there is a percussion section or a drum in it anywhere it's been "stolen". How racist is that?

    I feel very sorry for Black, Hispanic etc people who are smart and get patronised by this crap "Well done" etc. The leftist multicults are the most racist of all - they are the ones trying to split us into groups and test us, monitor us and provide reasons why group a is less well off than group b. Perhaps if we just fucking forgot about it for 5 minutes we might get along better!

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  • ubiquitous_joe

    I think the key is that you should be proudly of something you DO not some random thing you ARE. When people say they're proud to be black, they mean, first of all, that they don't hate themselves for their skin color as many people throughout history seem to insist they should, but second, that they're proud to have black *culture.*

    So if you want to be proud of sugar cookies and John Phillip Souza that's fine. It's when you start promoting blonde hair and blue eyes that things get creepy.

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  • VioletTrees

    Things encouraging pride in other races exist to counteract a culture with white beauty standards and chiefly white role models. That's not really necessary if you're white.

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  • kit291

    that's true but that's also life.

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  • nAt2017

    Like Parrish said- why be proud of something you didn't have any control over? That's not pride. You should be proud of the things you work for, not the things that happened by chance.

    Just be human.

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  • Clickclock

    it is normal to be proud to be who you are, well, race included. Every race is hardwired to love/ see a desire to embrace his/her race. There are a good sum however, who hate their race, but these are minor things, be it upbringing or prejudice by the other races. Its normal, but should escalate to extreme racism.

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  • bananaface

    Why would you be proud?

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    • ANP333

      Because if there is 'black pride' and all the other types of pride I don't see why I can't feel white pride :).

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      • bananaface

        You didn't answer the question.

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        • ANP333

          I answered it below on the other comment :).

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          • bananaface

            You sound like you're being proud just for the sake of being proud. What has your skin tone ever accomplished?

            Black people have to face adversity, even at birth they're bound to face prejudice. How is that fair? So if they want to feel proud for overcoming the idiocy of the ignorant then let them. At least they have a reason to be proud.

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            • Racial prejudice is an issue for ALL races. In fact, anti-White racism is nothing short of an epidemic these days.

              ......So, you were saying?

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            • ANP333

              Haha are you serious? This is exactly what I'm talking about! Black people get hired over white people because of the minority factor, aboriginal people get incentives to go to school! What has their skin tone accomplished? Nothing just like mine! I have never discriminated based on colour yet black people get rights over me? No thank you!

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            • jwhit

              white people have overcome something dealing with you people black people can get away with calling a white person honky or cracker but god for bid if a white person say nigger also black people are some of the racist people ive met in my life

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  • I agree entirely. I'm of European decent and proud - and there's not a damned thing anyone can do about that.

    Why SHOULDN'T I be proud to be a part of the one and only race which is irrefutably head and shoulders above all others in terms of cultural achievements? Now yes, I'm well aware that these achievements are not MINE, but that's entirely beside the point. I simply consider it an honor to be of this gene pool.

    I'm proud to say that I would never breed with a non-White person, never allow my kids to hang with non-White people, and absolutely NEVER accept multiculturalism. The concept of racial egalitarianism is deadlier than the atomic bomb. Just look at what integration has done.

    Stick to your own and be proud; that's how nature works. This goes to people of ALL races.

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    • flutterhigh

      Sometimes I like to take strolls through the park, and I usually bring a nice book to read in the sunshine. The world seems pretty great despite bloody truths. Couples hold hands in fragile embrace. Conversations between friends ebb and flow as they pass by. Dogs chase sticks, eager to please and indiscriminately happy. Children get dirt on their knees - they cry and laugh and run with a seemingly endless vigor that has long since escaped me. The wind tickles the grass. Every painted sky and scum of the sewer seems beautiful, all things considered. And then I remember that people like you exist.

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      • anon199

        Personally I would put murderers, rapists, pedos, thieves, bigamists, compulsive liars, confidence tricksters, hooligans, blackmailers, armed robbers, muggers etc etc etc well above racists.....

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      • Truth hurts, what can I say. That doesn't really change the fact that it's true though, now does it?

        How's about this: go move to the ghetto and try to live around some Blacks. Bring your kids too, if you've got any. See how it works out for you. THEN get back to me.

        Regardless, I'm glad I could piss you off today.

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        • myboyfriendsbitch

          I personally find the ghetto to be more peaceful than low-class white neighborhoods. I have gotten more bullshit from people I don't know in white neighborhoods than black neighborhoods. The only school I felt socially comfortable in had a majority of black kids. And I'm white as can be, by the way... I know some ghettos are better than others, but all in all I've felt pretty safe in all ghettos I have driven through or lived in. Some people just get scared because, unlike in white neighborhoods where everyone keeps to themselves, large groups of black people join together socializing with one another and interacting in ways that white people only see at fancy dinner parties.

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          • Shut the hell up. Just shut up. I am not that stupid.

            Seriously, admit it - you're just making up stuff now. I've had to put up with lots of obnoxious anti-Racialists in my day but this really takes the cake. I can't f***ing tell you how damned ANGRY it makes me to encounter these obvious LIES.

            Regardless, if you love the ghetto so much, STAY THERE. You are a traitor, and you do not deserve to live amongst Whites.

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            • myboyfriendsbitch

              lol I am not lying. Have you actually been to the ghetto yourself?

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            • KekReptilian

              Your WN leader david duke "did things" with black men when he was in prison.

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    • When an artist paints masterpiece do they only use one color?

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      • TerryVie


        While i hate to refute you and definitely don't agree with True Misanthrope, there is a thing to be said FOR preserving individual cultural identity.
        Not to the extent he advocates, but definitely to a higher extent than is aimed for by todays governments.

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        • Oh i do understand the importance of cultural identity, but i dont agree with staying strictly with my race. And Guernica contains more than one colour

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          • TerryVie

            shades of grey are still monochrome. just saying.

            But as said, i didn't mean to defend him, neither greatly disagree with you, so don't take it the wrong way.

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      • anon199

        How can an artist paint a masterpiece if there is only one colour? Eventually that's where we will be....

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      • Pardon me?

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    • KekReptilian

      Shut up stormfag.

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