Is it normal that i'm really creative, but lazy as fuck?

I have talents in writing, drawing, painting, talents in sports and dance, I even get straight A's... But I'm just so goddamn lazy, I cant seem to focus on anything long enough to make a solid contribution... My work has A LOT of potential in all fields, but I'm so fucking lazy I can't give it my all. I feel like I'm missing out on a lot.


yes 208
no 29
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Comments ( 16 )
  • Browniegirl3

    I've been feeling that lately too. Start with one thing your good at and build up on the activities. Your probably thinking at all the things your good at but don't want to do all of them at once. Being lazy is an easier choice. I started with making plans with my friends and then going from there. We all get lazy but don't let it control your life. Do you get enough exercise? This winter break I would sit around a lot and watch tv. But once I started working out I had a lot of energy to do other things. Make some goals as well.

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  • You don't have the drive, idk what it is but there are a lot of people with potential and no drive. Its what seperates the good from the great

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  • EdsBitchX

    I used to be the same. I had all this stuff I wanted to do, but didn't have the motivation for it.

    You sound young going by the "Straight A's" part? So it's okay that you're feeling a bit indecisive, God knows I did! But the good news is, you have time. One day you'll realise what you really want and you'll strive to achieve it.

    Meanwhile just try to push yourself a little. It'll all work out if you want it to.

    Good luck.

    EB x

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  • bananaface

    Well you don't sound like you feel passionate about any of these, maybe look at other things you could try out.

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  • Katywompus

    Wow. You need to find a way of getting focused on at least one of those. You don't want to look back at your life years from now and regret not doing something more. I know that's not much help, but you really shouldn't waste all your talents. Knowing your lazy is the first step, right?

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  • Painter

    drive and inspiration are separate from talent. sometimes people with very little talent can get ahead more in life. this life is a rat race. whatever you do, do it for yourself not for the world. this society we live in can be very distracting, confusing.

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  • karmasAbich

    Everyone gets this way, I think.
    Try to get into some activities that you enjoy. Get into the habbit of working on little things around the house when you find yourself not doing anything. It really helps motivate you, find friends that do the same and you will be a-ok.
    As far as the creative piece goes, there are plenty of ways to use this and still stay active. But i guess your just asking if its normal not how to use it your advantage huh? Oops. It's normal :)

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  • SapphireWolf767

    Same here. I'm creative as hell and love drawing and writing, but I procrastinate all the time. I can really only concentrate on stuff like that if I'm in the mood.

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  • ariannel

    We are peas in the same pod. I like to start projects but I can never stick with it. Thats why I like beading. The time it takes to make a piece of jewelry is relatively small so I feel like I've accomplished something even if it wasnt huge.

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  • noatomsk

    Once you get sick of being poor, having a shitty life, get a spouse, have a child, some of the above, or all of the above it'll clear up.

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  • disthing

    I'm exactly the same. It's a curse.

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  • BlueAlice

    YES. Oh, hell, yes.

    When I was younger, I used to do loads of drawing, little dances, making things with Hama beads and having customisation projects for clothes/underwear which would never get further than my head simply because I couldn't be arsed doing the actual work required for them.

    It could take up to a decade, if not far longer, for one to be struck by inspiration. (Says someone talking from experience).
    However, it can and will happen. Even if it's not something you've never considered in your life - or haven't considered for years - and even if it comes at a crappy time [When you can't write/draw/record/photograph whatever it is]; it will happen.

    I always start drawings but - almost always - never finish them. This goes for other projects, but it's especially common with drawings.

    However, I did actually finish a project last night.

    It was inspired by some underwear I saw that had 'SHAKE IT' written on the bum, and the first thing that came to me when I saw them was the song Shake! by e.via.
    Underneath the original slogan is 'shake it' written in Korean, like in the song.

    I did have a little help from my mum (She drew a very basic template and helped me work out how to get the pants to stay nice and stretched so I could write on them relatively neatly), but I - somehow - did everything myself.

    They're still drying at the moment and need washing and ironing, but I'm pleased I did something (even if they didn't quite go to plan).

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  • equanimity

    You just need a little inspiration... don't beat yourself up about it.

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  • PurpleMelon

    Same problem over here. When you've found the passion for something you love, you'll get excited about it.

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  • Jweezee

    I'm the same way. I used to draw, do metal fabrication, i've made my own sandals, hollowed out a tv and made it into an aquarium and other ideas but it seems like the last couple years my tendency to remain idle is greater than a need to create.

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  • DolphinAngel

    I am like you^^ But I suck at drawing or dancing^^
    And don't get that good marks because I am really too lazy^^

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