Is it normal that i'm really scared of throwing up?

I don't know why, but I am seriously terrified about throwing up. It doesn't make since, as its been about 7 years since I have thrown up, but it is my number one fear. Is this normal?

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85% Normal
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Comments ( 9 )
  • Avant-Garde

    Same here! I've choked on my vomit many times and it hurts so much! I'm always scared that I'll die from it.

    The first time I choked, I had been taking a Herbal cherry formula. I hated the way it tasted and one night I kept coughing on it. At some point, I couldn't breathe at all like a insistent gag. I tried hitting my chest repeatedly until finally, I coughed and vomited. I vomited on The table and my mother was upset with me and I told her I was choking. I said that I was never going to take that dangerous shit anymore. It was very scary and I remember being in intense amounts of pain.

    I don't like to be sick and when I am, I try not to vomit. Last time I vomited was about one or two weeks ago. I had a serious allergic reaction to fish. I couldn't breathe so, I took a benedryl. A few minutes later, I started to vomit. I nearly choked a few times. My body retched and twisted. It took so much out of me and I was very weak afterwards.

    I think it's a normal phobia.

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  • squirrelgirl

    Vomiting is my number one phobia. The last time I thought someone had the stomach flu at my house, I collapsed and nearly passed out from sheer terror. Also, my fear of vomiting is what fueled my ritualistic hand-washing, showering and insomnia back when my OCD was out of control. I think the incident that caused me to become so terrified of vomiting was when I was a little kid and had the dry heaves. It was very painful for me; my abdomen was sore for days afterwards.

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  • BurnaBaby27

    Throwing up isn't my biggest fear but I hate doing it. I never seem to do it anyway. I can never get everything out so it's more like "spit up" which ironically the last time that happened was back in mid-'10 during my 1st trimester (of pregnancy). I'm really good at suppressing the urge. I hate everything about it.
    The last time I legit threw up was when I was about 4 years old.

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  • lostangel

    Emetophobia is quite common. Now, I've only puke 2 times for the past decade now, but I gotta say, if you gotta go, just face your fear so the body can relax and go with it. It's only a few minutes max and it's way easier than the anxious hours of waiting and fighting it. Also get over the angst of doing it in public, it's human, damn it, happens to everybody. Make it a proud and sophisticated act and you'll earn some respect points from people around you.

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  • DoReMiRocker

    I HATE vomiting. The last time I vomited was almost 4 years ago when I had a stomach ache. In pre-school I vomited in front of the whole class and after that I was scared as hell so I hid in the school bathroom for the rest of the day. I gag from time to time, but I don't throw up. Throwing up is one of my biggest phobias because one day I may be on the computer, then I end up vomiting all over it and ruining it. D: Once I had a fever in 1rst grade and while I was playing with my brother's legos I accidentally vomited on them(My brother was MAD when he found out). So, yeah it's normal. O.o

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  • Vomiting hurts, it feels like your throat is too small for the food coming up. And then afterwards you have that horrible wretching feeling in your tummy

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  • karmasAbich

    I don't enjoy throwing up. However, I am glad the deed is done because I feel so much better. It is a love/hate relationship.

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  • DarthLupine666

    I have this fear too, though not my biggest. Oddly, it's only one personal incident that burned this into my mind: when my mother told me (when I was sick) not to keep throwing up or I wouldn't be able to stop. That ended up fusing with later years' horror stories about bulimics who *also* weren't able to stop throwing up even when they wanted to, and now I pretty much fight it when I can as 99% of the time it's allergies that bother my stomach.

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  • squirrellvr

    I agree...throwing up in front of others has always been one of my biggest phobias. I think its because growing up my mom always made it a big deal and made me feel really bad for missing or not making it to the bathroom, or just doing it in front of her at all. From now i am terrified i will throw up in front of someone and they will be disgusted by me forever.

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