Is it normal that i'm repulsed by lotus seed pods?

I remember as a child I would see a lotus seed pod and freak out, and it still goes on to this day. When I see them it just makes me feel like all of the energy is draining out of me and my heart starts to beat really fast. I don't know what it is about them, but I just can't look at them. I also remember being on 4chan one time and seeing a picture posted of a hand with similar holes in it and getting the same feeling. In fact, I'm getting quite upset just thinking about it in order to write this.

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50% Normal
Based on 58 votes (29 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • RoseIsabella

    It sounds like you have Trypophobia.

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    • bjerg

      True, I have that myself. When i see pictures of it my skin begins to itch and I get nauseous.

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      • bjerg

        It seems common, however i would not call it normal

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  • Oboebabeyoucheer?

    My skin, mostly my head, itches when this happens... I have never seen one in real life, glad i don't have to!

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