Is it normal that i'm scared about my future

I am starting seventh grade and for some really dumb reason, if I have too much alone time I start worrying about my future and if i'll make it in life. This is starting to happen nightly and I end up either staying up all night, or I wait until my parents go to sleep and I go into the living room and stare off into space until I fall asleep. Either way, I end up only getting a few hours of sleep at night. What do I do?

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Comments ( 2 )
  • thegypsysailor

    During my teen years, the Russians and the Americans were in a state of Mutually Assured Destruction. Basically, it meant that if one side fired off their nuclear weapons, the other would too, guarantying that everybody would lose. Every single human on the face of this planet could die at any instant, by man's hand during my teen years.
    Not to say your future is an assured paradise, but yours looks a bit brighter than ours did. This future-less decade spawned the hippies (live for today, free love and make love not war) and a whole generation that became the first in history not to do better than their parents.
    You will be fine. If most of us survived and made good lives for ourselves, then you will too. Get some sleep, secure in the knowledge that you will wake up tomorrow.

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  • webelo1234

    Thanks (AGAIN), I love this website. Its like a free 24hr. Therapy office in the way that I can confess my fears and worries and have anonymous help.

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