Is it normal that i'm scared of / intimidated by men?

I'm 18 and I'm scared of men and intimidated by them. I'm okay around my dad but with men I don't know, I feel very nervous. I think they're looking at me and wanting to hurt me. I worry that sick, twisted thoughts are going through their heads and they're planning to rape me. I don't know why!! I've never been hurt by anyone before. It just scares me that men are so much stronger than me and could break me in half if they wanted to. I've never been in a relationship because of this fear and the thought of trusting a guy terrifies me!! Help.

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33% Normal
Based on 30 votes (10 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • DannyKanes

    Sounds like anxiety to me. You know, not all guys are serial rapist murderers, most of us are decent and nice people :)

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  • BlueJeansWhiteShirt

    Definitely not normal. You really need help. See your doctor or this has the potential to prevent you from living a satisfying life.

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  • Mando

    You know its important to be safe and mindful - but fearful to the point of not having relationships? You know that's over the top so why not see a psychologist and get behavioural treatment for your anxiety?

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  • Bow95

    Yes, it makes sense. I'm a guy myself and i worry about woman that is feeling comfortable by strangers when they're alone. I believe women should be more cautious. A guy attacking a girl is less likely to happen, but rape is possible. Men are naturally dominant but, society made most guys feminine and fragile. I don't know if it's normal to starve for sex, but i can feel it inside me sometimes . That's why I'm worried about girls. Take kung fu classes or something.

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  • la_uva_mojada

    Have u told ur dad?

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  • Energy

    Honestly, don't think men are much stronger than women. Chillax. You need a psychologist.

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