Is it normal that i'm scared of antennas/aerials?

For years I have been weirdly scared of Aerials/antennas (antennae?) on buildings, in roof spaces etc. I have no other phobias except as a kid pool drains and dirty air vents/fans were a bit creepy. I reckon that if I didn't know one were there and looked up to find it I might fall off a roof. Oddly, if I know it and make myself I can walk up and touch it, even the little portable ones are a bit frightening. Yagi or Log Periodic though, not the rabbit ears. I think it's really weird.

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Comments ( 13 )
  • Walk

    Well it's probably not that common but there's all sorts of weird phobias

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    • sussexuk

      It's pretty weird though tbh. Its the only irrational fear i've got nowadays. Like being sucked in by a reservoir intake whilst sailing, well that's genuine and could happen, but this...

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  • BubbleTeaStan

    Blimey! you have exactly the same fears I had growing up!
    I mostly got over antennae although I still am a bit wary of swimming pool drains and would run if I did see an antenna pointing at me.

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    • sussexuk

      I think the antenna thing is worse when you're not expecting it, like round the corner from a balcony and suddenly see a huge array right there. Pool drains are weird, but I suppose they can be avoided more easily!

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  • thegypsysailor

    OMG, you are so right!
    Everybody should be terrified by antennae. They radiate all kinds of emissions that are harmful to humans. Some radiate X-rays, some radiate very high or very low frequencies that can cook the human brain. Even your cell phone's antenna radiates some very harmful emissions, though they've buried that info very deeply, because w/o cell phones the government couldn't keep tabs on the population.
    Some antennae, like radar, can fry an egg at several hundred yards, which is why you don't see smart people living in proximity to airports!
    Be afraid, very afraid, of antennae!

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    • Waya

      The Government wouldnt be able to watch us through our computers,tablets, or phone's cameras as well ! :D

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    • sussexuk

      I think it stems from nearly walking into the exclusion zone round a Minesweeper's radar mast. Obviously these do emit microwaves from their magnetron and are quite risky, but it could be that.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    i feels the same bout dirty ductwork


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    • sussexuk

      Ducting is revolting, even the outsides of it in service passageways.

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  • postmanlover

    Do you have some kind of mental disorder?

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    • Waya

      Its just a phobia nothing major

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      • sussexuk


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    • sussexuk


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