Is it normal that i'm scared of bees and wasps?

I'm scared of bees and wasps. Is it normal?

Voting Results
87% Normal
Based on 77 votes (67 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • Terence_the_viking

    If you have never been stung yes that is totally normal.

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  • lemon

    It's normal. I was stung by a wasp and since then, I've been terrified of them.

    Bees aren't so scary though, they don't want to sting you because if they do, they'll die. Wasps are nasty though.

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  • Rainbow_Cookie

    Oh yeah! They tried to kill me when I was younger those crazy things!! They're blood hungry I tell ya!! >.<

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  • Aub

    I've never been scared of them but everyone else I know is so yeah.

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  • LOUi_CUDi

    Of course it is normal to have a fear of creatures that try to attack you. In experience, bee stings feel like a pinch, so if you can stand the pain of pinch then you can from a bee. On the other hand, wasps I never had that experience. Also I herd that the side effects of being sting by a wasp is very serious.

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  • BellaJane

    HOW scared?

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  • gummy_jr

    No, your fear is irrational and stupid just like this question.

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