Is it normal that i'm scared of freezer ice?

The noise, the texture, everything about the way ice forms in a freezer makes me really sick.

Voting Results
15% Normal
Based on 54 votes (8 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • thegypsysailor

    You have every reason to be afraid of freezer ice. It is one of the most insidious forms of ice and it always has evil intent. Unlike most ice, freezer ice is only man made and therefor harbors a lot of resentment toward people. It will grow and grow in the freezer, until it forces open the door, just the tiniest bit. Then, when you are fast asleep, it will creep through that tiny hole and find you in our bed! One night it will freeze your breath and kill you as you sleep. Your only safety is to unplug your freezer each night so you can sleep, secure in the knowledge that freezer ice won't be stalking you that night.
    You have been warned!

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    • disthing

      You'd be first choice to provide the fireside ghost stories on an IIN camping trip.

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  • green_boogers

    The freezer is the trash pit of evil spirits. If you find an evil spirit in your house, catch it and throw it in with the ice cubes.

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  • Novapewdsgoldensly

    You guys are rude, this person decided to open up and come clean and you guys are making fun of this person.. Come on guys show some respect.

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  • Tommythecat.

    Alien in the freezer.

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  • Aliceee93

    Stay away from the freeeezer!

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  • Sog

    Maybe you could go out and buy a new ice tray that forms the ice in a different shape or texture...?

    I don't know, this is a strange phobia.

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