Is it normal that i'm scared of mirrors?

Well, one day I started reading bloody Mary stories on the internet and at first I thought it was kinda cool. I was gonna try it one night but then I freaked out and left my bathroom before I could do it properly. Well, since then I just get freaked out by mirrors. I worry that when I look in the mirror, (especially the one in my bathroom)I will see a bloody mary or a ghost girl or the girl from the ring behind me. I also worry that when I look behind me, the girl won't be there but when I look back she will be closer.
I always rush in the toilet and I want it to stop. I don't want to tell my mum cus she will thinks I'm being silly.

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47% Normal
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Comments ( 5 )
  • I was afraid of mirrors for a short period of time after I read if you get naked and dance in front of a mirror you're inviting a sex demon into your home. Mirrors are said to be portals to the spirit world. Bahaha. It should pass if you don't dwell on it.

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  • Short4Words

    How old are you? You shouldn't be scared. And if makes you feel any better, I've stood infront of the mirror before in pitch blackness waiting for something to happen and nothing did. If you don't believe try this instead, if you've never tried doing the bloody mary thing, then you have nothing to worry about at all.

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  • hairyfairy

    I avoid mirrors because I hate the way I look.

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    Mirrors are just reflective surfaces, usually glass on a thin metallic layer. Metals have electron configurations that absorb and re-emit incident photons in the infrared,visible and UV wavelength range. There are no ghosts and bloody Marys involved here. Moreover, those things simply don't exist so take your time on the loo from now on.

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  • Terence_the_viking


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