Is it normal that i'm scared of sex?

I'm terrified of having sex. Just the thought of it makes me want to curl up in a corner. I'm a virgin, so that definetly plays a role, but all my friends my age want to have sex or have sexual desires. I feel like an outsider. I've had dreams about having sex, and everytime I wake up terrified. Is this normal??

Voting Results
78% Normal
Based on 9 votes (7 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • dappled

    It's a big step in life, but you don't have to go from virgin to someone swinging from the chandeliers all in one step. As long as you're with someone patient, you can take it as slow as you want and start with nothing more intimate than cuddling.

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  • bigguy2010

    You need to do what is best for you. Be firm and don't be swayed into doing something you will later regret.

    And when you do meet that special someone... and the time is right... you just might find that your thoughts on sex may change.

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  • Mmmpfh

    Totally normal. Never let your friends and those around you decide when you're ready for this. Make sure its a decision you are comfortable with, and make it with someone you care about. You're gonna remember it after all!

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