Is it normal that i'm scared of tape measures?
I have no clue why Im scared of them, I just am. Everytime I'm near one, horrible images involving them flicker into my head x_x I cannot stand being near one! Is this normal?!
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I have no clue why Im scared of them, I just am. Everytime I'm near one, horrible images involving them flicker into my head x_x I cannot stand being near one! Is this normal?!
If one is not careful a nasty cut can result from the tape. Other than that I don't get it.
only time I'd be scared of a tape measure is if someone wrapped one around my waist to get a measurement
Argh I hate them! Whenever someone asks me to hold one out for them I turn my head away in case it springs back.
Ugh i hate them! I've had them snap back on me too many times.... Ugh.
Normal, IMO.
Hey phobias can be irrational, outta nowhere, and oddly specific. No worries. Abnormal phobia, sure, but whatever, right? It's your thing.
Maybe one pinged back at you once? You know the way they can do that. Sorry if that description freaks you out! : / If you wanted to try and get over it you could try kind of gradual exposure therapy - so get someone to put one in the same room as you and just have it in the room, you know, just being a tape measure. Then start to place yourself gradually closer to it (rather than have someone keep putting it closer to you as that might make you feel out of control.)
You really should have asked "Is it normal to have phobia's?" and the answer to that, as well as your specific question, is yes.
Although tape measurer's (don't know the plural for that) is probably pretty low on the phobia list.
But don't feel too bad, a lot of people have some form of phobia, the severity ranging of course.
I myself have a horrendous fear of ANYONE touching my belly button, myself included. Just typing this, I'm tightening my stomach. Cleaning it is the most unpleasant part of my day, and I dread it. I think it came from when I was younger my older brother stabbed me (on accident) directly in the belly button with the end of a book shelf we had in our room, it was pointed like a spear.
"horrible images" as in flashbacks? If you experienced a trauma in relation to them you should see a trauma therapist.
Just buy one of those laser pointer ones, there pretty cheap these day's.