Is it normal that i'm scared of wrecks?
Is it weird to be scared of car wrecks?
I also get paranoid about bridges, and that one will collapse while i'm driving across it. Hrmm.. Tell me.
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Is it weird to be scared of car wrecks?
I also get paranoid about bridges, and that one will collapse while i'm driving across it. Hrmm.. Tell me.
I have a relative that is so afraid of wrecks that she drives a massive SUV to feel safer =/
My fear of wrecking isn't so profound...
Watch final destination! You will never drive again! They know how to ruin everything.
Haha ya my mom is a bit scared of big I drive in the outermost lane Hehehe holding your breath won't save you mama!
Odds are: a bridge probably won't collapse while you're on it.
A 50 / 50 chance that you will be involved in a vehicular accident, in which death occurs, sometime in your lifetime.