Is it normal that i'm sick of pink ribbons and the whole campaign?

Cancer is terrible and most of us will get it or have a family member battle it. Do we really need to associate colors with diseases? Do we need to see sports teams swathed in colors assigned to diseases? Is this honestly helpful? Is it so wrong to want to escape from the reality of cancer when out in public? Are we really not getting our checkups unless we constantly remind each other that disease and death are lurking in our futures?

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69% Normal
Based on 80 votes (55 yes)
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Comments ( 21 )
  • RoseIsabella

    My paternal grandmother, great aunt and a second cousin have all lost breasts. I recently found out an aunt on my mother's side of the family found a big lump in one of her breasts. I will NEVER tire of the pink ribbon!

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  • Caryopteris

    You notice guys don't go around talking about their testicles all the time though. It's not necessary to constantly obsess about them. As soon as you focus on any one disease to the exclusion of all others, you are out of balance.

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  • Caryopteris

    I'm not saying it's not a big deal. But why do we need to have it constantly in our faces? What people need to do is to eat healthy and exercise first to lower their risk of all kinds of cancer and disease. Why pick on any one disease that does have some specific tests that 99% of people were already aware of before the pink campaign? If you focus on breast cancer you may be overlooking the diabetes that is going to cause an amputation. There is no reason to focus on one body part.

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  • dom180

    The number one worst way for our society to deal with cancer is to pretend it doesn't exist. You don't solve problems by "escaping the reality" of them, that's how you get into trouble. I hope campaigns to raise awarenesa about diseases like cancer never stop, or else a whole lot more people will die early and I might be one of them.

    I understand the temptation of wanting to live in a cancer-free fantasy land, but it's selfish to want the whole world to change just to allow your fantasy to live on in your head.

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  • MissesAnonymous23

    Seriously? The ribbon is pink because it's the 'girl' color; it's also a calming color that's believed to lessen stress and sickness, which helps give hope to the fighters of cancer. The pink ribbon foundation may be a nuisance for you, I'm so sorry you have to go through watching a football game where the players shoes are pink; but for other people it's a beacon of hope. And for others who have had cancer and fought it and won, it's a way to tell the world, 'I did this. I fought this off and am a warrior.' You're not wrong to want to escape reality and pretend there's no cancer, but the fact of the matter is that there is. You could stay home and read a book if you're too annoyed to go out and see people proud of their accomplishments as cancer patients or past patients.

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  • candybee

    What people don't realize is that the treatment of cancer is a booming business, and the pink campaign is a money making machine. Try watching the Forbidden cures of cancer on youtube to understand this more fully.

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  • Wuggums47

    I've lost a family member to male breast cancer. My grandfather died of Brain tumors. I didn't know them very well, but I hate having a beautiful color like pink associated with something that has killed my family. It should be some sort of ugly color like beige.

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  • driedroses

    I'm just sick of the "I love boobies" shit.

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  • Gamzeee

    It's reality... deal with it. *puts on sunglasses*

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  • robbieforgotpw

    I like taking daily fart walks without the ribbon

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    To be honest I dont understand why breast cancer is a big issue. Women having tits is not what makes them women. I have seen flat chested chicks before and I did not once in my mind say "No boobs... must be a man".

    I honestly do not understand why women put such value in titties. Yeah you have titties good for you. I also know a ton of women who hate thier tits and would gladly donate if that was possible. They still are confidant in the fact they are women they just do not like tits.

    The day tits make a women is the day humanity has ended. Women need to understand with or without them they can still be pretty and still should love themselves for who they are. Its not like you do not still have everything else. So whats the big problem?

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    • dom180

      Men can get breast cancer too. It's in no way just a women's disease. And it isn't about "being pretty", it's about the real chance that the one life you have might be cut short by cancer.

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      • RomeoDeMontague

        Yes but the only thing breast cancers on is "Oh no she lost her breasts" not the actual cancer itself. I am saying women can look pretty with or without tits and that they should not make such a huge deal out of the fact they do not have it.

        Some women are small naturally as well. It does not make them less of a woman. Having bigger tits does not mean more feminine or more of a female. It just means bigger tits. No one seems to focus on the cancer itself and no one ever once mentioned the fact "Well men can get it to".

        Even the breast cancer support bracelets say "I love boobies". See? Do men generally have boobs? Unless you are overweight or have a hormonal issue NO! you might have breasts but men do not generally have boobs. Yet BOOBS and women is the only thing it ever focuses on.

        Do you understand what I am getting at? It never focuses on the cancer. Its all about who does and who does not have tits. Anyone who is judging a women on how big the tits are is really Shallow don't you think? Should we be looking at women like sacks of meat or should we be looking at them like people?

        That is why I do not see the point in such a issue of losing the breast. That does not make less of a woman! Women should love themselves breasts or not!

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        • charli.m

          It's a psychologically traumatising thing to have to have part of your body removed, even if the alternative is death, that isn't lessened. How do you not understand that?

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          • Caryopteris

            Oh I do. I have been treated for precancer and now have this hanging over my head. I have to have MRIs on top of mammograms, and I really can't afford it. That doesn't mean I want to think about it every day! Everybody knows the recommendations for mammograms and self-exams. We all need to see our doctors regularly and they will remind us. I see no need for public reminders of disease. We need to live while we are alive. Our support group is our friends and family. I don't see why the whole public has to think about cancer all the time. It's depressing.

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    • squirrelgirl

      Breasts are part of a woman's body, and part of her. How would you feel if you got cancer in your penis or testicles and had to have it removed? Bet you would have a little bit more empathy then. :)

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      • RomeoDeMontague

        So according to you women who are flat chested should be treated like men and are not counted as women? I find that kind of shallow. I can imagine how you must have acted in school. "Look at my titties wait you don't have none. I guess you're a boy." Sound like you were a bitch.

        Second removing a dick means that a man can not have a child any-longer. So it would be the same as making women unable to have children by tying her tubes. Removing breasts does not take away the ability to have kids since that lady would still have eggs and a vagina.

        You really should take an anatomy lesson if you believe a chick without breasts cant have babies. You clearly do not understand how this type of thing works.

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    • Lynxikat

      Isn't that kind of like saying, "Oh, I don't get why testicular cancer is such a big deal. You're still a guy even if you don't have balls, so who cares if you lose them!"

      Maybe it's a big deal because cancer in general is a life or death situation; you have to either die, or physically remove a part of your body. I don't see how you don't get that :/

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      • Caryopteris

        I didn't say cancer isn't a big deal. It is a big depressing deal that most of us will have to deal with. Constantly throwing one particular type in our faces ... how is that helping? It's just depressing. "Save the ta-tas." If it runs in your family you want to be safe and prevent cancer, you might be smartest to have prophylactic mastectomies. But does that mean you want to announce your decision to the world? Or can we keep these discussions to our doctors' offices and with our immediate support systems again? Then we could go about living while we still can.

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      • WhiteCrow

        In a way you still are a man with out balls. We'd still have penises. Also, if you ARE still a woman. You don't need breasts to give birth. I find smaller tits more attractive. Now of you got your breasts AND pussy removed, you'd be genderless.

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        • Caryopteris

          This has nothing to do with my point. Nothing.

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