Is it normal that i'm so afraid of this?

Is it normal that I'm so afraid of losing my parents or my brother? I mean death is inevitable but they mean the world to me and If I ever had to lose any of them I don't know if I'd have the strength to handle it. I know I'm going to get comments telling me to grow up and get over myself but I HAVE tried to be stronger and always be positive but this concern seems to always be at the back of my mind. Does anyone else get this feeling?

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Comments ( 4 )
  • Hellohahaha

    I lay awake at night multiple times a week imagining what losing a close family member is like and can get upset about it too. Totally normal, it just shows you have amazing relationships with your family :)

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  • Phat

    You don't have a choice in the matter. Spend as much time with them as possible and you all will have memories to last for an eternity.

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  • Robloxguy

    My dad died and I know how you feel. I've thought if killing myself several times

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  • joybird

    I feel like this about my son but console myself that he / I have quite a few years left in us yet.

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