Is it normal that i'm so scared of maggots?

I don't know why, but whenever I see a maggot, I get the creeps inside of me. Once, I was eating cereal and I felt smething squishy in my mouth. I took it out, and guess what it was! A maggot! Yikes! I got a tissue and put the maggot in the bin. Another time, when I was getting ice-cream, I got out an ice-cream cone and I saw a maggot. I was standing there screaming and my brother put the whole cone in the bin. I'm really scared of maggots and I wonder if you guys find it normal. Normal or abnormal? Your choice.

P.S. I'm 18 now.

Voting Results
91% Normal
Based on 149 votes (136 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • natdrum

    Yuck, they are f-ing disgusting, makes me cringe to even think about them. That goes to other insects, and especially daddy longlegs ughhhh

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  • SillyKitty55

    My sister was eating an apple and bit a chunk of the apple and spit it out screaming. Maggot in the middle of the apple.
    a second time she was eating a plum and it happened. a third time is a happened to me, I was eating pistachios when i bit one in half I spit it out screaming in my parent's car with same sister next to me screaming with me.
    my god......third time is a charm.......
    My sister is now 21 this June, and I am turning 28 this month.
    we both are deadly afraid of maggots and now avoid eating these fruits and things.......if we decide to eat fruit, we now cut it into pieces prior to eating to make sure there aren't any maggots in it.

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  • AntiSpark

    Why didnt you try one, they're tasty,,,,

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  • sega31098

    You wouldn't like it in some parts of Sardinia. They eat cheese with live maggots inside.

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  • imadragon

    I have a phobia for parasites (parasitophobia), worms (helminthophobia) and pregnancies (tocophobia). They are all connected, but you seem to have atleast helminthophobia. I can't even look at them or think about them, your text was a bit hard to read too :P.
    But what happened to you there was probably where you got this from, phobias usually come from something that happens in the childhood. I don't know where I have got mine from though.

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  • MistakeMaker

    Ohhhhhhhh. Ugg. .

    Once I left dog food outside on the porch for 3 days and it was covered in maggots!

    I freaked. I flipped the bowl over on the ground with my shoe..

    And then bought new shoes.

    So I think its normal.

    I think its more abnormal to see maggots ..or eat them and go "yum!"and or "awesome". THAT'S JUST ODD.

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  • Justsomejerk

    I accidentally ate maggots last year, they were in peanuts I was eating in the dark while house sitting.

    Ugh! It makes me wretch to think about it.

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  • ___

    Maggots are lovely creatures.

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  • SoTiredxoxo

    As a kid, I had a few experiences with maggots. Cleaned my room once to find a cereal bowl full of maggots, opened a trash can once and screamed, it was covered in maggots with sauce on them. Also had a drawer that was having the larve of maggots.
    So, yep, its definitely normal.

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