Is it normal that i'm still scared of the dark? :(

I'm 19. Soon to be 20. Female. University. I'm not scared of many things but the dark is something I fear. I can just about tolerate it if it's in my own room and I'm familiar with the place (still get freaked out from time to time) but if it's somewhere new and I'm all alone, it's horrible. The dark is so spooky, your eyes play tricks on you, you can't see what's in front of you and I just don't like it. I do know it's irrational but it just makes you feel so vulnerable. However, out of all my friends and family I seem to be the only one who gets spooked. Does anyone else share this? Is it normal?

Voting Results
82% Normal
Based on 96 votes (79 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • Terence_the_viking

    It's good to be scared of the dark. you never know what is lurking there.

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  • inst

    After my greatest fear came true when we lost Corey Haim I don't fear anything else in this world now that hes gone

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  • mpiparanormal

    Normal? Yes. To the extent that its debilitating? Well, not necessary abnormal....The question should be, "Is it healthy?" No, not if you're debilitated.

    Soul search: Drill down as far back as you can remember. You may resist this if you experienced something traumatic when you were younger.

    Did something bad happen to you in the dark? I have a good friend who is petrified by darkness....but, it's not the "creep factor" that frightens her: She was sexually abused as a child after being awakened (many times) in her room. So, that's what her extreme and unhealthy fear is about. Look for things "outside of the box." Best to you

    Rev TJ

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  • hairyfairy

    Fear of the dark is just the result of an overactive imagination.

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  • squirrelgirl

    I'm 22 and I keep my desktop computer on all night so that it the LED lights and screensaver can act as my nightlights. I've read too many creepypastas and now I find it very uncomfortable to be in dark rooms all alone - even my own!

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  • ibreathelectric

    My mind when I'm in the dark: "You know what we haven't thought about in a while? Demons."

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    • Lune

      hahahahaha so true. I'm so happy that other people share my concerns.

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  • GuessWho

    If you can put up with the dark for a few minutes, your eyes will adjust and you will be able to see better in low light conditions.

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  • priitygiirl20

    It's normal ahha I'm 20 and still sleep with all my lights on ,, I can't sleep in the dark unless I'm sharing a bed with someone

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  • LostSoul22

    It's normal. I was scared of the dark when I was young, but now I love it. I can see perfectly clear in the dark as long as there is no light to mess up my eye sight so I think that's part of the reason why I'm not afraid of it now and love it is by the fact I can see in the dark.
    If I couldn't see in the dark I would be worried and freaked out.

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  • Ethereal-Silence

    Oh sorry you already answered that question in your post u.u

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  • Ethereal-Silence

    I'm 19 as well and just recently got over that fear myself...i thought it wiyld never happen so i will vote this as normal. I've been practicing methods to astral project and my fear of darkness just dissipated with it, amazingly enough. Also are you male or female? Just wondering.

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