Is it normal that i'm still scared of the dark?

I am terrified of the dark. I'm one of those people who avoids going to the bathroom because the lights are off. I hate being the last one to go to bed, because I have to turn off the light! The thing is, I'm not scared of real "scary" things like murderers and stuff, but I'm scared of the supernatural!I have an overactive imagination...

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75% Normal
Based on 28 votes (21 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • DesertRat

    Yes, it is normal. Fear is the very first thing that we experience from birth until death. Fear is a human experience and it ends at death. We use our eyes to help judge and sum up dangers and fearful situations. It only makes sense that if we were to no longer have this sense that we would be more fearful. It is always about the fear of the unknown. Darkness is the Great Unknown. I learned as a child that there are two kinds of painter's and white. I was heavily into art and painting all through my childhood. I painted on black canvas at night in the Darkness of my room. I can create anything in that Darkness! I would try to make my room even darker. Fear ebbs at life. And to spend a life full of fear, then you haven't lived. And we have all heard that saying there's nothing to fear, but fear itself. And Though Nothing is something, it shouldn't be feared. To be in the presence of Nothing, then you yourself are also Nothing. We are a part of the Darkness. So dont fear the Darkness, because it is filled with mystery and awe, and treasures beyond our comprehension.

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  • NyanStrike

    Yeah..I've tried going through the dark to see how brave I could be. It just made me feel even more scared. I feel when I go through the dark that I am being watched. Every time I go, I think there is another chance for something to get me. EEESH DOESN'T HELP FOR ME....

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  • WhiteStallion

    A lot of adults are scared of the dark, me excluded. I think of it as everything being exactly the same, just now, the sun is down. When I was a kid though, I couldn't take a step into the kitchen at night for a glass of water. This soon passed once I decided to test how brave I could be by walking around in the dark. Maybe something for you to consider?

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  • fratom

    I would not use the word terrified, but I don't like the dark I always have to have a small light on in my room at night My single mother and Aunt used to keep the candle lighting until I went asleep as achild/adolecent Nice to know I am in good company

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  • Channingtatum

    I thought I was the only one

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  • RoseIsabella

    Get some night lights for the hallway and the bathroom.

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