Is it normal that i'm terrified of balloons?

I was helping a friend blow up some balloons for her birthday party. My friends dad was blowing up the really big punching balloons and throwing them at my friends and I.
A few times they'd pop on my face and it hurt pretty bad
On the 6th time one popped on my face, the top of my nose and me cheeks began bleeding (only a bit)
But it still hurt quiet a bit.
Everytime someone comes in with am inflated balloon, I run...they've turned into a huge embarrassing phobia

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58% Normal
Based on 55 votes (32 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • thegypsysailor

    Gee, I can't remember the last time I was around balloons. Many, many years, I'd guess. So I think if you had to have an irrational fear, one about balloons wouldn't be the worst one to have.

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    • Rappingly

      i went to school the other day & they were EVERYWHERE!!!

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  • Hamartia

    Maybe you can desensitise yourself slowly, i.e. be being in a house that balloons are in, then later the same room, eventually plucking up the courage to be near them or even touch them.

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  • gummy_jr

    Would you be scared of balloon animals too? :(

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    • Rappingly

      Yes :( I never used to be! I used to make them all the time!
      But I get so scared of all balloons now :(

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      • gummy_jr


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        • Rappingly

          thank you x

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